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Accelerating 5D Whole-Heart MRA Reconstruction Using a Limited Number of Cardiac and Respiratory Frames

Automated subject-specific pixels selection for improved image reconstruction in free-running coronary MRA using SIMBA

Automated compensation of respiratory motion and bulk patient movement in free-running whole-heart 4D MRI

Automated compensation of respiratory motion and bulk patient movement in free-running whole-heart 4D MRI

Distributed memory-efficient deep learning reconstruction for improved SIMBA whole-heart coronary MRI

DL-Based LV Volume Segmentation to Compare Respiratory-Correctedand 4D XD-GRASP Respiratory Motion-Resolved Whole-Heart Reconstructions

Endogenous assessment of myocardial injuries using T1-rho mapping: comparison to T1 mapping, T2 mapping and late gadolinium enhancement imaging

High-Dimensional Cardiovascular MR: Simplifying Clinical Scans

Author:Matthias Stuber  

Session Type:Plenary Session  

Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


Session Name:Monday Plenary  

Program Number:

Room Session:Plenary: ICC Auditorium  

Institution:University Hospital Lausanne  

RR-Resolved 5D flow for Decoding the Impact of Cardiac Rhythm on Left Atrial Flow Dynamics in Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke