Accelerated 3-Tesla Cardiac T2-Mapping at End-Systole for Improved Transmural Map Consistency and Accuracy

Accelerating 2D Chemical Shift Encoded MRI with Simultaneous Multislice Imaging

The application of B1 corrected VFA T1-mapping in staging of liver fibrosis

Comparison of lung T1 mapping using variable flip angle and Look-Locker techniques

A comparison of two B1+ mapping methods for 3D VFA T1 mapping in the liver at 3T

Correlation between multi-echo ultrashort TE and mDIXON-quant imaging for R2* mapping in liver cirrhosis

Hepatic iron quantification using a Free-breathing 3D Radial Dixon technique and validation with a 2D GRE biopsy calibration

A method to rapidly quantify whole-organ metabolic rate of O2 with interleaved background-suppressed T2-oximetry and blood flow measurement

Multi-component T2 Modeling for Improved Characterization of Abdominal Neoplasms

Optimization of Spoiled GRE-based IR Acquisition Scheme for 3D Cardiac T1 Mapping at 3T

Simultaneous arterial and venous imaging and 3D quantitative parameter mapping with RF-spoiled gradient echo

Survey of water proton longitudinal relaxation in liver in vivo.

SyntheticMRIwith quantitative mappingsas biomarkersfor prediction of prognostic factors and molecular subtypes of breast cancer

Syntheticrelaxometry and diffusion measures in the differentiation of breastlesions: a contrast-free alternative to BI-RADS?

Transversal Relaxometry of a Mixture of Iron Compounds at Different Concentrations

Why You Should Fit Signal Intensity, Not Relaxivity, for Quantitative DCE-MRI