Resolving the fat-water ambiguity based on T1 difference
Hao Peng1,2, Liwen Wan1, Qian Wan1, Jianxun Lv1, Chuanli Cheng1, Yi Wang3, Wenzhong Liu2, Xin Liu1, Hairong Zheng1, and Chao Zou1
1Paul C. Lauterbur Research Center for Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, China, 2Key Laboratory of Imaging Processing and Intelligence Control, School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, Wuhan, China, 3Department of Radiology, Peking University Peoples Hospital, Beijing, China


Fat-water ambiguity is an intrinsic problem from chemical shift encoded imaging model. When this problem is not well solved throughout the whole image, fat-water swaps appear and result in inaccurate fat quantification. The success of solving the ambiguity relies on pre-assumptions, e.g. the magnetic field continuity or the prior knowledge of the adipose/aqueous tissue distribution etc. In our work, we proposed to incorporate the T1 difference of fat and water to help solve the ambiguity problem. Proposed method can obtain PDFF and accurate T1 mapping simultaneously with B1+ correction. The sequence could cover the whole liver within a single breath-hold.


Fat-water ambiguity is an intrinsic problem from chemical shift encoded imaging model1. When this problem is not well solved throughout the whole image, fat-water swaps appear and result in inaccurate fat quantification. The success of solving the ambiguity relies on pre-assumptions, e.g. the magnetic field continuity1, 2 or the prior knowledge of the adipose/aqueous tissue distribution3 etc. In our work, we proposed to incorporate the T1 difference of fat and water to help solve the ambiguity problem.


Generally fat has shorter T1 than water in most tissues. Chemical shift encoding is mostly based on multiple echo gradient echo (GRE) sequence with short TR, and water fat signal ratio is flip angle (FA) dependent due to T1 difference.
Fat-water ambiguity
Three echoes were acquired under each FA. Signal model for evenly spaced echo times $$$[TE_{2}-\Delta TE,TE_{2},TE_{2}+\Delta TE]$$$ is:
$$$S_{1}=(W+F\cdot {e^{-i2\pi f_{F}(TE_{2}-\Delta TE)}})e^{-i2\pi\Psi(TE_{2}-\Delta TE)}$$$
$$$S_{2}=(W+F\cdot^{-i2\pi f_{F}TE_{{2}}})e^{-i2\pi \Psi TE_{2}}$$$
$$$S_{3}=(W+F\cdot {e^{-i2\pi f_{F}(TE_{2}+\Delta TE)}})e^{-i2\pi\Psi(TE_{2}+\Delta TE)}$$$ (1)
W and F are signal intensities; $$$\Psi$$$ is field inhomogeneity.
Let $$$\widetilde{W}=W\cdot e^{-i2\pi \Psi TE_{2}}$$$, $$$\widetilde{F}=F\cdot e^{-i2\pi \Psi TE_{2}}\cdot e^{-i2\pi f_{F} TE_{2}}$$$, we have:
$$$S_{1}=(\widetilde{W}+\widetilde{F}\cdot {e^{-i2\pi f_{F}(-\Delta TE)}})e^{-i2\pi\Psi(-\Delta TE)}$$$
$$$S_{3}=(\widetilde{W}+\widetilde{F}\cdot {e^{-i2\pi f_{F}(\Delta TE)}})e^{-i2\pi\Psi(\Delta TE)}$$$ (2)
Suppose $$$\Psi _{t}$$$ is true solution, corresponding aliased solution was given by1:
$$$\Psi _{a}=\Psi _{t}+\frac{arg(\frac{\widetilde{W}+\widetilde{F}\cdot e^{i2\pi f_{F}\Delta TE}}{\widetilde{F}+\widetilde{W}\cdot e^{i2\pi f_{F}\Delta TE}})}{2\pi \Delta TE}=\Psi _{t}+\frac{1}{2\pi \Delta TE}\cdot {arg[({W+F\cdot e^{-i2\pi f_{F}TE_{2}}\cdot e^{i2\pi f_{F}\Delta TE}})/({F\cdot e^{-i2\pi f_{F}TE_{2}}+W\cdot e^{i2\pi f_{F}\Delta TE}}})]$$$ (3)
$$$\Psi _{a}$$$ is also solution to Equation 1, but resulting in swapped fat-water components. $$$\Psi _{t}$$$ should be almost the same under different FA, while aliased solution should be different according to Equation 3. To avoid phase wrapping, phase factor (or phasor)4 was introduced as $$$P=e^{i2\pi \Psi \Delta TE}$$$ in following parts. $$$P_{t}$$$ and $$$P_{a}$$$ are true and aliased phasor solution, and FA dependency can be expressed as:
$$$P_{a}(\theta_{1})\neq P_{a}(\theta_{2})$$$ (4)
$$$\Delta P_{a}=abs(angle(P_{a}(\theta _{1})*conj(P_{a}(\theta _{2}))))$$$ (5)
as the differences of aliased phasor solution under two FAs, $$$\Delta P_{a}$$$ is non-zero when PDFF≠0% or 100%, as in Figure 1.
Fat-water separation
The flowchart of proposed method was shown in Figure 2. The algorithm is introduced step by step.
Candidate phasor solutions were calculated as ref5. Phasor solutions was classified into two groups $$$P_{w}$$$ and $$$P_{f}$$$, corresponding to water and fat-dominant results respectively6, as Figure 2b.
All pixels were classified to two kinds. First, pixels with their phasor solutions similar to those of all 6-neighbors in 3D were defined as “smooth” pixels; Second, the left pixels were defined as “non-smooth” pixels. Define $$$D_{w}(r)$$$ as the maximum phasor difference in $$$P_{w}$$$ between pixel r and its neighborhood $$$r_{k}$$$:
$$$D_{w}(r)=max_{k}|angle[P_{w}(r)\cdot conj(P_{w}(r_{k}))]|$$$ (6)
k denotes the index of 6-neighborhood pixels in 3D direction. $$$\left | \cdot \right |$$$ is absolute operator. $$$D_{f}(r)$$$ is defined in the same way. When all of the $$$D_{w}(r)$$$ and $$$D_{f}(r)$$$ under different FAs are smaller than threshold $$$D_{T}$$$, the pixel r is considered as ”smooth pixels”. The mask of the “smooth” pixels was shown in Figure 2c.
The “smooth” pixels were grouped to sub-regions according to spatial connectivity, as shown in Figure 2d. According to definition of “smooth” pixels, spatially connected “smooth” pixels have similar solutions, and true solutions must belong to same category (either $$$P_{w}$$$ or $$$P_{f}$$$). Consequently, the solution determination of a single sub-region was transformed into a binary choice.
The FA-dependencies of $$$P_{t}$$$ and $$$P_{a}$$$ are exploited to determine the true solutions for each sub-region. Specifically, when
$$$\sum _{r\in \Theta_{j}}|P_{w}(r,\theta_{1})-P_{w}(r,\theta_{2})|< \sum _{r\in \Theta_{j}}|P_{f}(r,\theta_{1})-P_{f}(r,\theta_{2})|$$$ (7)
where $$$\Theta_{j}$$$ denotes all pixels in the j-th sub-region, the true solutions in $$$\Theta_{j}$$$ are chosen as:
$$$P_{t}(r)=P_{w}(r),r\in \Theta_{j}$$$ (8)
and vice versa.
After determination of each sub-region, phasor solution was combined together, as in Figure 2f. Solutions of residual pixels was determined by region growing scheme, with consideration of six-peak fat spectral model and $$$T_{2}^{\ast }$$$ decay.

Materials and Methods

Six echo acquisition was divided into two three-echo acquisition with different FAs. The pulse sequence is depicted in Figure. 3. Optionally, a B1+ mapping sequence based on DREAM7 was incorporated if accurate T1 mapping was desired.
Two volunteers were recruited with informed consent under IRB approval, imaging parameters of the GRE images for both volunteers were: FOV=240*400*160 mm3, resolution=1.92*1.92*4 mm3, bandwidth = 1300Hz/pixel, TR = 6.7ms, flip angle = , TE1/3/5 = 1.42/2.86/4.3ms for FA=3°, and TE2/4/6 = 2.14/3.58/5.02ms for FA=20°. The scan was finished in a single breath-hold with Parallel imaging and partial Fourier acquisition, total acquisition time = 16.3s. Parameters for fat-water phantom were omitted for simplicity, using TREE6 and IR-FSE8 as reference.


Proposed method separated fat and water signals in both phantom and volunteer studies. The resultant PDFF and T1 values showed high consistency to reference values, as shown in Figure 4. Simultaneous T1/PDFF/R2* quantification were realized within a single breath-hold by the proposed method, as shown in Figure 5.

Discussion and conclusions

A fat-water separation algorithm based on dual flip angle acquisition was designed in this work. Under dual flip angle, the T1 difference between fat and water can serve as a new priori information in solving fat-water ambiguity. Moreover, the proposed method can obtain PDFF and accurate T1 mapping simultaneously with B1+ correction. The sequence could cover the whole liver within a single breath-hold.


No acknowledgement found.


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FIGURE 1 The dependency of the aliased phasor solution on the flip angle, TR/TE1/ΔTE=7.0/1.5/1.8ms, ψt=0. (A) the aliased and true phasor solutions under 3° and 20° with PDFF in the range of [0, 100%]. (B) the difference of the aliased phasor solutions under the two FAs.

FIGURE 2. Flowchart of the proposed algorithm. a: Multi-echo gradient echo images with different flip angles; b: candidate phasor solution classification; c-d: Pixels were then classified into “smooth” and “non-smooth” and the “smooth” pixels were grouped into different sub-regions according to the spatial connectivity; e:Phasor solution of each sub-region were determined using dual flip angle prior information and combined as in f. g: Fat water components under different FA, and water components under different FAs could be used for further T1 quantification.

FIGURE 3 Timing diagram of the pulse sequence. The sequence consists of three blocks. A: B1+ mapping block based on DREAM for T1 mapping (Optional). B & C: multiple echo GRE with 3D acquisition using k-space linear reordering under different FAs. The equally spaced echoes are acquired with monopolar readout mode. The echo spacing (∆TE) are kept the same in B and C, but the echo times of C are moved shTE to B. The pre-dephasing gradients indicated by the blue trapezoids have the same amplitudes and ramp-up time. For simplicity, the slice selection and phase encoding gradients are omitted.

FIGURE 4 Bland-Altman plot (a, c) and liner regression analysis (b, d) for PDFF and T1 quantification in the phantom study. The resultant fat fraction and T1 from the proposed method were consistent to the reference values. The reference PDFF values were obtained by a six-echo GRE sequence , while the T1 values were obtained by IR-FSE images.

FIGURE 5. Multi-parametric quantification by the proposed method for both volunteers.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)