A method to rapidly quantify whole-organ metabolic rate of O2 with interleaved background-suppressed T2-oximetry and blood flow measurement
Rajiv S Deshpande1,2, Michael C Langham2, and Felix W Wehrli2
1Dept. of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Dept. of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States


A T2-based oximetry pulse sequence has been developed by interleaving a phase-contrast module preceding a background-suppressed T2-prepared echoplanar imaging readout. The method enables rapid simultaneous measurement of blood flow velocity and T2 of blood water protons from a single anatomic location in 18 seconds scan time. The pulse sequence improves on T2-based oximetry methods, including T2-relaxation-under-spin-tagging (TRUST), by incorporating background-suppression to eliminate the need for “control” and “label” images. The pulse sequence also interleaves phase-contrast MRI so that a separate measurement of blood flow velocity is not required to quantify whole-organ metabolic rate of oxygen.


T2-based MRI oximetry (T2O) measures T2 of venous blood water protons, followed by a conversion to SvO2 via a calibration curve [1, 2]. To quantify metabolic rate of O2 (MRO2), an additional measurement of blood flow velocity is required. T2-relaxation-under-spin-taggging (TRUST) is a well-established T2O method for quantifying whole-brain SvO2 by measuring T2 in the superior sagittal sinus of the brain [2]. However, TRUST is sensitive to physiologic motion because two scans, a “control” and a “label,” are required to remove stationary background tissue and isolate intravascular blood signal. Moreover, it is important to minimize the TE in TRUST because venous blood and tissue accrue phase at different rates. This can contribute to the persistence of background tissue despite subtraction between “control” and “label” images. TRUST also requires a separate measurement of blood flow velocity to quantify MRO2 [3]. Here, a T2O method is reported that interleaves phase-contrast before background-suppressed T2-prepared echoplanar imaging (EPI). Background-suppression reduces signal from stationary tissue while inflowing venous blood will provide signal from which T2 (and SvO2) can be determined. Importantly, the proposed method interleaves phase-contrast MRI to simultaneously estimate SvO2 and blood flow velocity, which are both required to quantify MRO2.


The pulse sequence begins by resetting the magnetization with a global saturation, followed by radial phase-contrast MRI and background-suppressed T2-prepared EPI modules. Background-suppression significantly reduces the partial volume effect by suppressing static tissue signal and takes advantage of signal enhancement from inflowing blood with a combination of slice-selective and non-selective adiabatic inversion pulses [4, 5]. T2-preparation consists of an MLEV-4 scheme to provide T2-weighting with five TE's (0/48/96/144/192ms) [6]. In each of the five TE's, 55 interleaved velocity-encoded radial views are acquired. A golden-angle radial acquisition was used because each view passes through the center of k-space, which increases robustness to motion. The total acquisition time is approximately 18 seconds. The pulse sequence timeline is shown in Figure 1.

The velocity-encoding module comprises the following parameters: VENC=60cm/s, golden-angle increment=111.3°, TR/TE=9/5.8ms, 55 views per interleave, and voxel size=0.67x0.67x5 mm3. Background-suppression is achieved with the following RF pulses: a slice-selective 90° saturation pulse, two slice-selective adiabatic inversion pulses, and two non-selective adiabatic inversion pulses. The EPI module comprises the following parameters: 5/8th partial Fourier, flip angle of 90°, voxel size=3.2x3.2x5 mm3, and includes a calibration scan for phase correction. Radial reconstruction is performed by combining the sets of 55 radial views from the five interleaves, for a total of 275 radial views. The pulse sequence results in five images of varying T2-weighting and one velocity map. Pulse sequence parameters are summarized in Table 1.

The pulse sequence was tested in two healthy subjects, ages 24.7 and 23.9 years. After informed consent was obtained, the subjects were imaged at 3 T (Siemens Prisma) using a 20-channel head and neck coil, at a slice in the neck transecting the internal carotid and vertebral arteries and internal jugular vein. The pulse sequence was repeated six times. Data are reported as an average of the six repetitions.

Cerebral MRO2 (CMRO2) was quantified on the basis of the conservation of mass equation (Fick’s Principle): $$$CMRO_2=C_{RBC}\cdot Hct\cdot tCBF\cdot (SaO_2-SvO_2)$$$ [7]. CRBC is 22.02 μmol O2/mL RBC [8], the O2 carrying capacity of a red blood cell (RBC). Hct represents hematocrit and is determined by finger prick (Hb 201+, Hemocue, Sweden). tCBF is total blood flow rate normalized by brain mass. Velocity-encoded images were generated by phase difference, from which tCBF was determined by integrating blood flow velocity over vessel area (internal carotid and vertebral arteries). Brain mass was computed by estimating brain volume with a T1-weighted MPRAGE sequence [9] and applying a density of 1.05g/mL. SaO2 and SvO2 are arterial and venous oxygen saturation, respectively. SaO2 was assumed to be 98%. T2 of the blood water protons in the internal jugular vein was estimated and converted to SvO2 via a calibration curve [10]. Figure 2 illustrates the workflow.


Table 2 lists the physiologic parameters obtained in the two test subjects, yielding CMRO2 of 127±14 and 132±12 μmol/min/100g obtained via Fick’s Principle. Figure 3 shows a representative background-suppressed magnitude image of the internal jugular vein at TE=0ms, a panel of the internal jugular vein at increasing T2-weighting, and an inset of a phase-contrast velocity image of the feeding arteries, and a graph of the T2-relaxation curve.


The pulse sequence quantified CMRO2 values that are comparable to those reported in literature (132±20[3], 127±7[11] μmol/min/100g). T2-based oximetry at the neck allows for measuring total blood flow velocity from the internal carotid and vertebral arteries and SvO2 from the internal jugular vein at a single location. Acquisition at the neck also enables direct measurement of total cerebral blood flow, whereas methods at the superior sagittal sinus often use flow-upscaling to estimate total cerebral blood flow [12]. In conclusion, this rapid pulse sequence simultaneously acquires the key physiological parameters (SvO­2 and blood flow velocity) to quantify whole-organ MRO2 in 18 seconds scan time. Further work will systematically validate and compare this pulse sequence to other oximetry methods, including TRUST and susceptometry-based oximetry. This method should lend itself for deriving MRO2 in abdominal organs, including liver and kidney.


This work was supported by NIH Grant T32 EB020087.


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Figure 1: Pulse sequence timeline showing interleaved radial phase-contrast MRI preceding a background-suppressed T2-prepared EPI readout to simultaneously measure blood flow velocity and T2 (and SvO2), respectively. 55 radial views are acquired in each of the five interleaves (each corresponding to a TE).

Table 1: Pulse sequence parameters

Figure 2: Pulse sequence workflow: phase-contrast consists of 55 radial views in each interleave. There are five interleaves for 275 total views in one velocity map to determine total cerebral blood flow (tCBF). Each interleave generates an image with a different T2-weighting, from which T2 is measured and then converted to SvO2.

Table 2: Results of the T2-based oximetry pulse sequence at the neck level and quantification of cerebral metabolic rate of O2 (CMRO2) in two healthy subjects. Data are reported as an average of the six repetitions (mean ± S.D.).

Hct: hematocrit, SvO2: venous blood oxygen saturation, IJV: internal jugular vein, tCBF: total cerebral blood flow, ICA: internal carotid artery,

Figure 3: (A) EPI magnitude image at TE=0ms of internal jugular vein (IJV), in one subject, marked by blue circle. Panel of IJV at varying TE’s to the right of (A). White dashed box indicates location of internal carotid and vertebral arteries. (B) Phase-contrast image of internal carotid arteries (red circles) and vertebral arteries (white circles), with VENC=60cm/s. (C) T2-decay curve of IJV at varying TE’s. Each point represents average signal magnitude at each TE over six repetitions. Error bars represent the S.D. of the signal magnitude over six repetitions.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)