Accuracy and Precision of a Breast Diffusion Phantom Across 3T Scanners

AParsimoniousAssessment ofBreastDensityClasses fromQuantitative, AI-basedFGTVolumeSegmentations

Application of Two Deep Learning Networks for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer on MRI: Automatic Detection Using Mask R-CNN Followed by Classification Using ResNet50

Characterization of Breast Tumor using Machine Learning based upon Multi-parametric MRI Features.

Classification of Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes on DCE-MRI Using Radiomics Analysis with Various Machine Learning Algorithm

Clinical utility of breast DWI in the assessments of breast lesions using different b values

A Comparison of different models of diffusion-weighted MRI in distinguishing benign and malignant breast lesions

Correction of Artifacts Induced by B0 Inhomogeneities with RPG on a Breast Diffusion Phantom

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Radiomics Models Built Based on DCE-MRI and Mammography Compared to BI-RADS Reading

Differentiating breast adenosis and breast cancer lesions: Value of Synthetic MRI

Early prediction of pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant systemic therapy for triple-negative breast cancer using deep learning

Evaluation of Lactating Breasts Using Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Feasibility Study.

Evaluation of the efficacy of therapy for breast cancer using DWI and DCE-MRI based on acquired radial golden-angle compressed sensing

Feasibility of Using a Deep Learning Reconstruction to Increase Protocol Flexibility for Breast MRI

Influence of gadolinium-based contrast agent on DWI and ADC values in breast lesions

A meta-analysis of the diagnostic performance of machine learning-based MRI for axillary lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients

Quantitative evaluation of different models of diffusion-weighted MRI for the correlation with molecular subtype of breast cancer