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Applying 2HG MRS in glioma patients during routine clinical MRI examination

The combined value of DKI and DSC MRI in differentiating high-grade glioma recurrence from pseudoprogression

Conventional MRI Texture Analysis to PredictProliferative Behaviourin Gliomas

Deep learning super-resolution MR spectroscopic imaging to map tumor metabolism in mutant IDH glioma patients

Detection of Cystathionine, 2-Hydroxyglutarate and Citrate in Oligodendrogliomas at 7T using Long-TE Semi-LASER

Development of MR Elastography Methods for Assessing Adhesion Between Pituitary Masses and the Optic Chiasm

Glioblastoma grading using perfusion parameters: comparing quantitative transport mapping method and kinetic modeling method

High dual-contrast putamen MRI at 1.5T: Application to intraoperative MRI during neurosurgical procedure

Multi-parametric MRI in differentiation between brain tumor and radiation necrosis

Predictive Role of the ADC measurements and MRI Morphologic Features on Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Status in Patients with Diffuse Glioma.

Simultaneously acquired PET and ASL imaging biomarkers are helpful in differentiating progression from pseudo-progression in treated gliomas

Strategy to overcome the spectral overlap between the 2-hydroxyglutarate and lipid resonances at 2.25 ppm

Structural and Functional Changes in Patients with Lower Grade Tumors Receiving Partial Brain Radiotherapy: A Longitudinal Study

Twofold Improved Tumor-to-Brain Contrast using a Novel T1 Relaxation-Enhanced Steady-State (T1RESS) Technique

Value of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Detecting Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Genotype in Low-grade Gliomas

Vascular input function measurement in brain tumor DCE-MRI: a comparison of arterial and venous sinus based approaches