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3D-BUDA Enables Rapid Distortion-Free QSM Acquisition

4D-EPICS: Compressed Sensing EPI for highly accelerated fMRI at 7T

7T in-vivo human T2* mapping at 350µm isotropic resolution using ME-GRE with flow artifact mitigation reveals cortical layers & vessels

The amplitude of spontaneous fluctuations with high-frequency resting-state fMRI at 7T: influence of age and cardiorespiratory pulsations

Characterising the effect of flip angle in the acquisition of sub-millimetre resolution 3D GE-EPI at 7T

Cross species validation of the layer-fMRI VASO contrast mechanism: data comparison against pre-clinical 2D-OIS and CBV-MRI gold standards.

Disentangling hippocampal perfusion from the macrovasculature using ASL and TOF at 7T

Author:Roy Haast  Sriranga Kashyap  Jordan DeKraker  Dimo Ivanov  Benedikt Poser  Ali Khan  

Institution:Maastricht University  Western University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:fMRI: Contrast & Physiology  

Session Name:fMRI Contrast Mechanisms  

Program Number:3816  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Dynamic response profiling of periaqueductal grey during a bladder filling protocol using 7T functional MRI

The effect of a dynamic inversion time in high-resolution isotropic 3D dark-blood LGE without additional magnetization preparation

Exploring the neurovascular nature of spontaneous cerebral BOLD fluctuations in 1730 individuals – The Maastricht Study

Exploring the vascular and neurodegenerative origin of increased interstitial fluid diffusion in intravoxel incoherent motion

Hemodynamics and permeability of the windows of the brain: dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of the circumventricular organs

The impact of B1+ inhomogeneities on automatic hippocampal morphometry using 7T MRI

Increase in blood-brain barrier disruption during normal aging

Measuring blood velocity pulsations in tortuous lenticulostriate arteries:1D versus 3D velocity-encoded imaging at 7T

Neurodegenerative and functional signatures of the cerebellar cortex in m.3243A>G patients

Partial volume effect correction of arterial spin labelling data using surface segmentations

Preps & Calibrations: Measuring Non-Imaging Data with the Scanner

Author:Benedikt Poser  

Institution:Maastricht University  

Session Type:Weekend Course  

Session Live Q&A Date:Sunday, 9 August 2020  

Topic:Data Acquisition & Image Reconstruction I  

Session Name:Data Acquisition & Image Reconstruction I  

Program Number:

Room Live Q&A Session:Sunday Parallel 4  

    Time-efficient method for detecting subtle blood-brain barrier leakage – a clinical feasibility study

    Vascular effects in fMRI during respiratory-gated auricular vagal nerve stimulation

    Author:Nikos Priovoulos  Dimo Ivanov  Benedikt Poser  Linda Pagen  Vitaly Napadow  Roberta Sclocco  Frans Verhey  Heidi Jacobs  

    Institution:Harvard Medical School  Maastricht University  Logan University  

    Session Type:Digital Poster  

    Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

    Topic:fMRI: Contrast & Physiology  

    Session Name:fMRI Physiology 2  

    Program Number:3846  

    Room Live Q&A Session:

    Why white matter matters – Interplay of white matter hyperintensities, white matter tracts, and processing speed – The Maastricht Study