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Apparent attenuation of BOLD macro-vascular contributions with high-frequency stimuli

Cortical-depth dependence of pure T2-weighted BOLD fMRI with minimal T2’ contamination using Echo-Planar Time-resolved Imaging (EPTI)

DeepDTI: Six-direction diffusion tensor MRI using deep learning

Edge-preserving B0 inhomogeneity distortion correction for high-resolution multi-echo ex vivo MRI at 7T

Employing simultaneous functional PET/MRI to map neuronal and vascular dynamics accompanying brain arousal fluctuations

Author:Jingyuan Chen  Nina Fultz  Jonathan Polimeni  Ciprian Catana  Bruce Rosen  Laura Lewis  Christin Sander  

Institution:Boston University  Massachusetts General Hospital  Harvard Medical School  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

Topic:Multimodal fMRI  

Session Name:Mechanisms of Resting-State fMRI  

Program Number:1359  

Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 4  

Formulating EPI ghost correction as a convolution: Insights into Dual-Polarity GRAPPA by examining kernels of limited extent

Geometrically accurate imaging of the pial arterial vasculature of the human brain in vivo with high-resolution time-of-flight angiography at 7T

Human cerebral white-matter vasculature imaged using the blood-pool contrast agent Ferumoxytol: bundle-specific vessels and vascular density

In vivo irreversible and reversible transverse relaxation rates in human cerebral cortex via line scans at 7T with 250 micron radial resolution

Interleaved reversed polarity MPRAGE for in vivo B0 readout distortion correction

Multimodal quantitative arterial-venous segmentation of the human brain at 7T: structure, susceptibility and flow

On Coil Combination with Optimal SNR for Linear Multichannel k-Space Reconstruction Methods

Probing the neuronal and vascular origins of task contrast-dependent hemodynamic response functions

Real-time brain masking algorithm improves motion tracking accuracy in scans with volumetric navigators (vNavs)

The role of rapid capillary resistance decreases in the BOLD response assessed through simulations in a realistic vascular network

Segmented spin-echo BOLD fMRI using a variable flip angle FLEET acquisition with recursive RF pulse design for high spatial resolution fMRI

White matter resting-state BOLD signals depend on the orientation of the local diffusion tensor axis relative to the B0-field