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A 3D attention model based Recurrent Neural Network for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis

Accelerating 3D-T1? cartilage imaging using signal compensated low-rank plus sparse matrix decomposition

Accelerating Positive Contrast MRI Reconstruction with GPU-based Parallel Chambolle-Pock Algorithm

Assessment of the Generalization of Learned Unsupervised Deep Learning Method

Automated Morphology Analysis of Intracranial and Extracranial Vessel Wall Using Convolutional Neural Network

Design and simulation of a transmit coil system for human head and neck imaging at 5 T

High efficiency Free-Breathing 3D Thoracic Aorta Imaging with Self-Navigated Image Reconstruction

High-frequency Transform Guided Denoising Autoencoding Prior for Parallel MR Imaging

Highly accelerated vessel wall imaging using CAIPIRINHA accelerated SPACE and IFR-CS

Implementation of Low-cost FPGA-based Magnetic Particle Imaging System

ISTA-nets: enhancing the performance of the unrolled deep networks for fast MR imaging

Joint 3D parameter mapping and motion correction using a kernel low rank method with offline training

Learning reconstruction without ground-truth data: an unsupervised way for fast MR imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Multiple-leaf Smoothed Random-like Trajectory

Relax-ADMM-Net: A Relaxed ADMM Network for Compressed Sensing MRI

Ultra-Fast Simultaneous T1rho and T2 Mapping Using Deep Learning

An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Parallel MR Cardiac Imaging via Time Interleaved Sampling

VIOLIN: improVIng mOdel-based deep learning reconstruction by reLaxing varIable combiNations