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Assessment of renal injury in patients with IgA nephropathy using mono-exponential DWI vs IVIM derived from advanced zoomed-FOV DWI

Cardiac cycle and flow compensation effects on REnal Flow and Microstructure AnisotroPy (REFMAP) MRI in healthy human kidney

Cardiac cycle and flow compensation effects on REnal Flow and Microstructure AnisotroPy (REFMAP) MRI in healthy human kidney

A comparative study of non-PTX-zoom-DWI with conventional DWI in bladder cancer lesion display and muscular invasion diagnosis

Comparison of integrated slice-speci?c dynamic shimming (ishim) and single shot EPI techniques in patients with Crohn’s disease

Comparison of Ultrashort Echo Time MRI with High-Resolution CT for the Assessment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Deep Learning-Based Respiratory Motion Correction in Free-Breathing Abdominal Diffusion-Weighted Imaging

Deep Learning-guided Weighted Averaging for Signal Dropout Compensation in Liver DWI

Deep Learning-guided Weighted Averaging for Signal Dropout Compensation in Liver DWI

Diffusion-weighted MRI evaluation of kidney tumor: Comparison of small field-of-view and conventional EPI techniques

Feasibility of T1-weighted USPIO-enhanced MR imaging of pelvic lymph nodes using stack-of-spirals UTE

A Free-Breathing Hybrid Technique for Simultaneous T2w, T1w, PDFF, and R2* Imaging at 0.55T

Functional 3D-UTE MRI of the Lungs for Monitoring Ventilation Inhomogeneity in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis on Treatment with CFTR Modulators

Improved 3D stack-of-spiral UTE pulmonary imaging at 0.55T using iterative concomitant field and motion corrected reconstruction (iCoMoCo)

Performance of small field of view rotated 2D selective RF excitation Diffusion Tensor (DTI) Imaging of kidneys with automatic motion correction

Postprocessing Reduces Pulsation Artifacts and Increases Visibility of Liver Lesions in Flow-compensated Diffusion-weighted Imaging

Quantitative characterization of fibrous tissues in the knee joint using magnetization prepared 3D spiral UTE sequence at 3 T

Self-gated 3D Stack-of-Spirals Ultra-Short Echo-Time Pulmonary imaging at 0.55T

Self-gated 3D Stack-of-Spirals Ultra-Short Echo-Time Pulmonary imaging at 0.55T

Spiral UTE MRI of the Lung: An Investigation on Motion Sensitivity

Tracking acute & chronic RT-induced fibrosis in cervical cancer using native & Late-Gadolinium-Enhancement Short-Inversion-Time (STIR) UTE