Awake fMRI shows an impact of anesthesia on resting state functional connectivity in mice

The brain activity of Rhesus monkeys in anesthesia

Author:Yifan Miao  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Applications  

Program Number:2935  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Institute of Biophysics, CAS.  

Brain-wide functional organization of the central vestibular pathways: an optogenetic fMRI study

Correlation of negative and positive BOLD signal change in the cerebral cortex by somatosensory stimulation in mice

Detecting functional connectivity changes in a pig traumatic brain injury model using resting-state fMRI

Direct Mapping of the Nucleus Accumbens Core and Shell using Deep Brain Stimulation with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in rats

The Effect of Somatostatin+Interneurons on the NegativeBOLD Response.

Functional MRI study of olfactory responses evoked by musk odor in the mouse whole brain under medetomidine anesthesia


Author:Christopher Cover  Alexander Poplawsky  Sujatha Nallama  Mitsuhiro Fukuda  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Applications  

Program Number:2928  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:University of Pittsburgh  

Hypercapnic challenge, BOLD fMRI and immunohistochemistry to examine the in-vivo presence of adult neurogenesis in the sheep hypothalamus

Author:Pierre-Marie Chevillard  Martine Migaud  Nathalie Just  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Applications  

Program Number:2945  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  


Lack of visual critical period of plasticity induces BOLD modulations in the rat binocular subregion of the primary visual cortex

Author:Rita Gil  Frederico Severo  Noam Shemesh  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Applications  

Program Number:2930  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown  

Life-span development of brain functional connectivity in common marmosets

Monaural auditory stimulation induces negative BOLD in the rat auditory pathway

Author:Frederico Severo  Rita Gil  Noam Shemesh  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Applications  

Program Number:2932  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown  

MRI based retinotopy of the rat visual pathway

Author:Joana Carvalho  Francisca Fernandes  Noam Shemesh  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Applications  

Program Number:2927  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown  

Optogenetic fMRI interrogation of the olfactory system

Resting-state co-activation patterns (CAPs) accurately predict pre- and manifest- stage Huntington's disease in mice.

The role of central vestibular system in circadian rhythms?

Spatiotemporal aberrations in resting-state quasi-periodic patterns in 4-month-old TgF344-AD rats

Author:Monica van den Berg  Mohit Adhikari  Georgios Keliris  Marleen Verhoye  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Applications  

Program Number:2939  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:University of Antwerp  

Suppression of the default mode network in mouse affects memory consolidation

Author:Zengmin Li  Dilsher Athwal  Kai-Hsiang Chuang  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Applications  

Program Number:2937  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:The University of Queensland