Wenwu Sun1, Kelly M. Scheulin2, Sydney E. Sneed2, Madison M. Fagan2, Savannah R. Cheek2, Christina B. Welch2, Morgane E. Golan2, Frankin D. West2, and Qun Zhao1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States, 2Regenerative Bioscience Center, University of Geogia, Athens, GA, United States
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has great potential to evaluate how networks respond
and compensate for network dysfunction caused by traumatic brain injury (TBI).
In this study, sparse dictionary learning (sDL) and independent component
analysis (ICA) were applied to resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) data, collected
from a group of piglets 1-day (D1) and 7-days (D7) after TBI. Activation maps were generated using group ICA and
group sDL, both with dual regression. Voxel-wise permutation tests were then
applied to identify changes to six resting-state networks (RSNs). Consistency was
observed through the two methods, indicating functional network activity
changes after injury.
TBI is a worldwide problem, affecting millions of patients each year, resulting
in cognitive, behavioral and motor deficits1. fMRI is a popular tool used
to evaluate changes in network activity2 and can be employed to
investigate functional connectivity disruptions after a TBI. In this study, fMRI
data was collected from piglets, which have brains that closely resemble the human
brain in anatomical structure and physiology3, that received a TBI. The data were analyzed
using sDL and ICA, together with dual regression and permutation test methods.Methods
Data acquisition: TBI
was induced in the left hemisphere of four-week-old
Landrace-cross piglets (n=6) using a controlled cortical impactor4. T1-weighted anatomical and rs-fMRI (a total of 305
volumes) data were collected at Day1 and Day7 post-TBI, using a GE 32-channel
fixed-site Discovery MR750 3.0 Tesla magnet and an 8-channel knee coil. All
experimental procedures were approved by the Institutional Animal Use and Care
Committee (University of Georgia).
Processing: Preprocessing was conducted using SPM12 for head motion correction
and slice timing correction. The first 5 time points were discarded from a
total of 305 points. All fMRI data are registered to that of a template pig,
and then to the template pig’s anatomical images. Six RSNs and corresponding
atlases were created (see Figure 4) using a previously published procedure2. Among the six
RSNs, subnetworks of EXN and DMN were also included allowing detailed subnetwork
analysis: Functional connectivity analysis was conducted using two methods.
First, temporally concatenated rs-fMRI data (combined day-1 and day-7 data) was
analyzed with group ICA by using FSL MELODIC software. The high pass filter
cutoff was set to 100s for resting-state analysis. Six trials using different
component numbers from 30 to 100 were conducted. Next, the rs-fMRI data was
analyzed with sDL by using SPAMS (SPArse Modeling Software) toolbox5. Similar to the ICA, six trials with various sparsity
parameters and atom numbers were conducted. Additionally, dual regression was
applied using SPAMS for sDL analysis and FSL for ICA analysis. Activation maps
for individual subjects were collected using both methods.
correlation analysis was performed using group activation maps acquired from
sDL and ICA, respectively, and registered functional connectivity atlas. The top
three atoms for sDL and the top one component for ICA with the highest Pearson
correlation with each RSN were documented, and corresponding atoms/components
in an individual subject’s activation maps were picked for the permutation
test. The sDL’s three maps are then averaged for each individual subject. Voxel-wise
permutation test was applied through the activation maps for all 12 datasets (D1
post-TBI n=6; D7 post-TBI n=6). The α level (significance level) was set
to 0.05. Results and Discussions
1 shows representative images of decreasing (D7<D1) or increasing (D7>D1)
functional activity in 6 RSNs. The voxel-wise permutation test counted the number
of voxels that had a significant difference in activation level, including all
sDL and ICA trials, as shown in Figure 2. The boxplots display either
decreasing voxel numbers (i.e., day 1 higher than day 7, D7<D1) or
increasing voxels (D7>D1) in 6 RSNs. Figure 3 shows subnetwork analysis in more
details, counting voxels with significant difference in major subnetworks of two
major RSN, EXN and DMN, providing a more in-depth evaluation of trending
between sDL and ICA for RSN evaluation can be observed in both figures. In
figure 2, the results showed similar increasing trends of more activated voxels (D7>D1) in the EXN and CEREN networks, and slightly decreasing trends or
no change for other networks. Furthermore, subnetwork results for EX network in
Figure 3 showed the same increasing trends for the whole EXN network and major
subnetwork that had more than 100 voxels. On the other hand, DMN showed a
decreasing trend for the whole network and most of the major subnetworks.
these results indicated strong confidence of similar performance in sDL and
ICA. The two methods demonstrated consistency evaluating 3 resting-state networks
(EXN, CEREN and DMN) and their associated major subnetworks. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the Franklin Foundation for Neuroimaging and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia.References
1. A. I. Maas, N. Stocchetti and R. Bullock,
Lancet Neurol 7 (8), 728-741 (2008).
2. G. Simchick, A. Shen, B. Campbell, H. J. Park, F. D. West and Q.
Zhao, Brain connectivity (ja) (2019).
3. H. A. Kinder, E. W. Baker and F. D. West, Neural regeneration
research 14(3): 413 (2019).
4. E. W. Baker, H. A. Kinder, J. M. Hutcheson, K. J. J. Duberstein,
S. R. Platt, E. W. Howerth and F. D. West, J Neurotrauma 36 (1), 61-73 (2019).
5. J. Mairal, F. Bach, J. Ponce and G. Sapiro, presented at the
Proceedings of the 26th annual international conference on machine learning,
2009 (unpublished).