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3D breath-hold magnetic resonance cholangiography using compressed sensing acceleration in living donor liver transplantation donors

The application value of CAIPIRINHA-VIBE sequence with non-rigid 3D-registration motion correction in liver

Assessment of hepatic signal change in free breathing continuous multiphasic dynamic EOB-MRI with compressed sensing and self-gating technique

Author:Masaya Tanabe  Masahiro Tanabe  Katsuyoshi Ito  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:Improved Body Imaging: Biliary, Liver & Pancreas  

Session Name:Body Imaging Quality Improvement  

Program Number:2772  

Room Session:Concurrent 5  

Institution:Yamaguchi University  

Computer-aided diagnosis of human breast lesion in T1 perfusion MRI using curvelet based features.

Effect of Injection Rates in Free-Breathing Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRIwith K-Space Weighted Image Contrast Reconstruction.

The Effect of the Scanner's Frequency Variation on Estimating the Fatty Acid Composition in Adipose Tissue

Free-breathing MRCP using motion compensated 3D Cartesian turbo spin-echo imaging

Free-Breathing, 3D Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery MRI with Stack-of-Stars SGRE and Locally Low Rank Reconstruction

Hepatobiliary phase hypointensity improves the diagnostic performance of version 2018 LI?RADS on hepatocellular carcinoma

High temporal-resolution dynamic MRI for the assessment of brown adipose tissue during mild-cold exposure in young healthy adults.

Improved image quality of liver diffusion-weighted imaging by combining compressed sensing and sensitivity encoding

Increased Hepatic FDG Uptake in Patients with Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease on PET/MR

Optimization of ROI sampling strategies for proton density fat-fraction MRI of hepatic steatosis before liver transplantation in ex vivo

Qualitative Assessment of Hepatic Fat and Iron as a Screening Method

Using deep domain adaptation method to improve liver segmentation performance in Limited MRI images

Utility of compressed sensing VIBE for hepatobiliary phase of Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI: comparison with conventional VIBE