Snekha Thakran1,2
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India, Delhi, India
Curvelet transform is
used as a multi-scale level decomposition to represent images. It was
hypothesized that curvelet
based texture features extraction can improve accuracy of
tumor classification. The
objective of this study was to differentiate the breast tumor using curvelet based features extraction
followed by principal component
analysis(PCA) for feature reduction and support vector machine(SVM)
classifier. The study included T1 perfusion MRI data of
40 patients with breast cancer. The curvelet based texture feature using PCA with SVM classifier
provided high average accuracy(0.93±0.04) in classification of malignant vs.
benign and average accuracy (0.86±0.06) in characterization of high- vs.
MRI is one of the widely used techniques in
diagnosis and monitoring of treatment responses1. The histological
grading provides important prognostic information in breast cancer2.
Computer-assisted-diagnosis (CAD) systems of breast tumor in imaging has potential
role towards its early diagnosis, which may significantly reduce the mortality
rate and inter-observer variations in interpretations3. The
characterization of breast lesions in T1
perfusion MRI provided varying sensitivity and specificity using
different features such as morphology, texture, tracer kinetic, hemodynamic
features, and etc. as reported previously4,5,6,7. Most of the
reported studies are on differentiation between malignant vs. benign and quite
less studies are on grading of tumors. Previously, curvelet transform8
has the ability to estimate the images in different decomposition levels and
used for various image processing and computer vision applications such as image
de-noising and reconstruction, and etc.9,10. It was hypothesized
that texture features for each wedge in curvelet transform can improve accuracy
of lesion classification in the current study. The purpose of this study was to
develop a computer aided diagnosis for
characterizing of breast lesion (benign vs. malignant and high-grade vs low-grade)
using curvelet based features
extraction and SVM classifier with 5-fold-cross validation.Methods:
the MRI experiments were performed at 3T whole body Ingenia MRI system (Philips
Healthcare, The Netherlands) using a 7 channel biopsy compatible breast coil.
Forty female subjects (15 benign, and 25 with breast cancer) were scanned for MRI data.
MRI Data acquisition: Fat
saturation was based upon DIXON method. Dynamic 4D images with fat saturation
were acquired using turbo spin echo pulse sequence. Multiple slices, covering
entire breast tissue with slice thickness of 3 mm were acquired. FOV = 338 *338
mm2 and matrix size = 512 * 512 were used. T1 perfusion MRI was performed
using a 3-dimensional fast field echo (3D-FFE) sequence (TR/TE = 3.0/1.5 ms,
flip angle = 12 degree). Gd-BOPTA (Multihance, Bracco, Italy) in a dose of 0.1
mmol/kg body weights was administered intravenously with the help of a power
injector at a rate of 3.0 mL/sec, followed by a bolus injection of a 30-mL
saline flush. Forty time points were acquired with a temporal resolution
approximately of 5.4 seconds for each time point.
Processing: A
systematic approach comprising of curvelet based feature extraction and classification was
carried out as shown in Figure 1. The curvelet based texture features11 of
regions of interest(ROI) were extracted from each patient.
Curvelet was used with 4 scales and 16 angles in this study. Each ROI decomposed
into 81 wedges and 26 texture features were calculated for each wedge. A total 2106 features were calculated. Principal component analysis(PCA) were used for
feature reduction. Support vector
machine (SVM) using a linear kernel with with 5-fold-cross validation(CV) was
used as a classifier in this study. SVM classified the data into benign and
malignant and further classification into histological high- and low-grade of
breast tumor. The diagnostic performance of selected features to
differentiate between malignant and benign and histological
grades of breast cancer lesions was analyzed using overall accuracy, area under curve, sensitivity, and specificity were calculated.Results and Discussion:
All features were extracted
successfully for 40-subjects. The classification of benign and malignant is
performed using SVM and its
effectiveness is evaluated using quantitative measures. The curvelet based texture
feature using PCA with SVM classifier provided high average accuracy (0.93±0.04),
AUC (0.94±0.07), sensitivity (0.95±0.03) and specificity (0.92±0.03) for the
classification of malignant vs. benign with 5-fold CV. It also provided high average
accuracy (0.86±0.06), AUC (0.89±0.12), sensitivity (0.91±0.07) and specificity (0.83±0.05)
for the characterization of high- vs. low-grade with 5-fold CV as shown Table-1. The curvelet transform has capability to detect curve structures in the edges
and texture. Therefore, statistical information extracted from curvelet
transform coefficients provided valuable features to differentiate malignant
and benign as well as high- and low-grade tumors. These are preliminary results
with small number of patients. More data sets should be investigated in future
In conclusion, curvelet
based feature extraction using PCA with SVM has a great potential for
improving diagnostic performance with high classification accuracy in
the binary classification of breast tumor. Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge an internal funding
support from IIT-Delhi. Authors acknowledge support of Philips India Limited
and Fortis Memorial Research Institute Gurugram in MRI data acquisition. The
authors thanks Dr. Anup Singh, Rakesh Kumar Gupta and Mamta Gupta. The authors thank Dr. Sunita Ahlawat for providing histopathology results;
Rupsa Bhattacharjee for technical assistance.
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