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Comparison of 2D-EPI, 3D-EPI and ERASE in terms of physiological noise, SNR and tSNR

Author:Jae-Kyun Ryu  Jang-Yeon Park  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:fMRI of Animal Models  

Session Name:fMRI Using Animal Models: Methods  

Program Number:2913  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:Sungkyunkwan University  Institute for Basic Science  

Diffusion-weighted Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging at 7T Human MRI

Author:Yujin Jung  Jaeseok Park  Seong-Gi Kim  Sung-Hong Park  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:CEST, MT & T1?  

Session Name:CEST, MT & T1?  

Program Number:0147  

Room Session:Concurrent 4  

Institution:Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology  Sungkyunkwan University  

Double spin-echo EPI improves sensitivity and specificity for cortical depth-dependent BOLD fMRI in the human somatosensory cortex at 7 T

Functional Segmentation and Reconstruction for High-Definition DCE MRI Exploiting Vascular Heterogeneity priors

High temporospatial resolution MR imaging of neuronal activity in vivo

Highly Accelerated 1mm3-Isotropic 3D CEST MRI with Spectral Random Walk CAIPIRINHA Sampling at 7T

Highly Accelerated Sub-millimeter Resolution 3D EPI using Variable Density CAIPI Sampling with Temporal Random Walk for Functional MRI at 7 Tesla

Identification of COPD Lesions Using 3D Ultrashort Echo-Time Imaging with Ventilation Map and Ventilation Flow Map

Author:Seokwon Lee  Jinil Park  Hyonha Kim  Ho Yun Lee  Jang-Yeon Park  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  


Session Name:Lung: Disease Assessment  

Program Number:3223  

Room Session:Concurrent 5  

Institution:Samsung Medical Center  Sungkyunkwan University  

Individual-level parcellation of the human auditory cortex and comparison of their functional connectivity pattern

Laminar analysis of luminance-dependent visual activation in human V1 with voxel centroid mapping method

Neural activity-driven BOLD responses within the cortex occur first at synaptic input layers

Noninvasive Detection of Changes in Membrane Potential with MR Measurements

Quantification of blood-brain barrier water permeability and arterial blood volume with multi-slice multi-delay diffusion-weighted ASL

Radial Navigator (radNAV) for Rapid GRE (Turbo-FLASH) Sequence

Author:Zhe Wu  Lars Kasper  Kamil Uludag  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Motion Correction Strategies  

Session Name:Motion: Methods  

Program Number:1367  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:University Health Network  Sungkyunkwan University  

Simultaneous multi-slice 3D Spatiotemporal Encoding (SPEN) Imaging: Emulation study

Susceptibility artifact-insensitive ultrafast 3D gradient-echo imaging by combination of head-tilting and ERASE acquisition

Author:Jaeyong Yu  Seulki Yoo  Jae-Kyun Ryu  Seung-Kyun Lee  Jang-Yeon Park  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Novel Acquisitions  

Session Name:Novel Encoding Strategies  

Program Number:0902  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:Sungkyunkwan University  Institute for Basic Science (IBS)  

Systematic, Linear Algebra-based Dimensional Analysis of Gradient Inductance Scaling with Coil Radius

Author:Matt Bernstein  Seung-Kyun Lee  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:Systems Engineering I  

Session Name:Hot-Wired Systems: Gradients & Magnets  

Program Number:3101  

Room Session:Concurrent 2  

Institution:Mayo Clinic  Sungkyunkwan University  

Volume-Selective 3D Ultrashort Echo-time Imaging

Author:Jinil Park  Jang-Yeon Park  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 20 May 2021  

Topic:Optimized Sampling & Sequence Design  

Session Name:Pulse Sequence II  

Program Number:4183  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:Sungkyunkwan University  

Whole-brain Perfusion Mapping at 7T by SAR-efficient Non-segmented 3D EPI-pCASL