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3D APTw Brain Tumor Imaging with Compressed SENSE: Comparison of Different Acceleration Factors and with Conventional Parallel Imaging

Application of Compressed Sensing Technology in the Fast Spin Echo Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Skull Base

The combination of T2 mapping and diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) enhances the diagnosis of rectal cancer with and without vascular invasion

Comparison analysis of IVIM and 4D flow-MRI in patients with liver cirrhosis

Correlation between liver function indicators in patients with cirrhosisand quantitative parameters of MRI---4D flow and T1/T2 relaxation time

Correlation between multi-echo ultrashort TE and mDIXON-quant imaging for R2* mapping in liver cirrhosis

Correlation between T2mapping and Intravoxel Incoherent Motionin Prostate cancer and Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Differential diagnosis rectal cancer with and without lymph node metastasis using amide proton transfer-weighted imaging and T1 map

Dynamic contrast enhanced imaging (DCE-MRI) combined with T1 and T2 mapping for differentiation between HCC and HM

Evaluation of Image Quality of Renal Artery based on Balanced Turbo Field Echo Sequence using Compressed Sensing with Acceleration Factors

Improved differential diagnosis between Prostate Cancer and Benign Prostate Hyperplasia using APT and IVIM

Improved the performance of differential diagnosisbetween Prostate Cancerand Benign Prostate Hyperplasiausing APTand mDIXON-Quant

Investigatethe correlation between APT valuesand ADCs in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostatic Cancer

Limbic System Lateralizationof Amide Proton Transfer Weighted Signals in Young Healthy Subjects

Optimization of Compressed SENSE accelerated Brachial Plexus MRI: Quality and Efficiency

Optimization of Compressed Sensing Acceleration Factors for Lumbosacral Plexus 3D MRI

Optimized Acceleration Factor in Phase Measurement of Brain Deep Veins using SWI with Compressed Sensing

Prediction of the Treatment Efficacy of Patients with Subacute Cerebral Infarction using the Heterogeneity of APT-weighted Signals

A preliminary study on the effect of compressed SENSE with multiple acceleration factors on knee examination

Quantitative Evaluation of Normal Lumbosacral Plexus Nerve Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging with Multiband SENSE

The value of radiomics-based model on contrast-enhanced MRI for predicting microvascular invasion in HCC before Partial Hepatectomy