Application of compressed sensing in High Spectral and Spatial resolution (HiSS) MRI – evaluation of effective resolution

Background Correction with Phase Diffusor (BACOPSOR) for Susceptibility Weighted Imaging

Fast Deep Learning Motion-Resolved Golden-Angle Radial MRI Reconstruction

High Efficient Reconstruction Method for IVIM Imaging Based on Deep Neural Network and Synthetic Training Data and its Application in IVIM-DKI

Hybrid bias correction of thoracic zero echo time (ZTE) images

Low Rank Plus Joint Sparse Reconstruction for Hyperpolarized MRI

Optimised sampling for low-dimensional compressed sensing

Parallelized Blind MR Image Denoising using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

Phase-cycled balanced TFE disentangled using configuration states: Multi-purpose imaging for the MRI-Linac workflow

A Singular Value Shrinkage Approach to Remove Artifacts from Neuro-electrophysiology Data Recorded During fMRI at 16.4T

Ultrafast Non-uniform Fast Fourier Transform for real-time radial acquisitions.

Variational Feedback Network for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction