Utilizing the Wavelet Transform's Structure in Compressed Sensing
Nicholas Dwork1, Daniel O'Connor2, Corey A. Baron3, Ethan M. I. Johnson4, John M. Pauly5, and Peder E.Z. Larson6
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Mathematics and Statistics, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Robarts Research, Western University, London, ON, Canada, 4Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, United States, 5Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 6Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


In this work, we present a modification of the standard implementation of compressed sensing that takes advantage of the structure of the Daubechies wavelet transform. By doing so, we show that we retain additional detail in the reconstructed images when few data samples are used.


Compressed sensing permits accurate reconstruction of MR images with fewer data samples than the number required to satisfy Nyquist's theorem [1]. To reconstruct the image with samples on a Cartesian grid, one solves the convex basis pursuit denoising (BPD) problem [2]:
\underset{x\in\mathbb{C}^N}{\text{minimize}} \hspace{1em} \|\Psi x\|_1 \hspace{1em}
\text{subject to} \hspace{1em} (1/2)\| M\,F\,x - b \|_2^2 \leq \epsilon, \hspace{5em} (1)
where $$$\Psi$$$ is a linear transformation, $$$F$$$ is the discrete Fourier transform, $$$M$$$ is the sampling mask, $$$b$$$ is a vector of the collected data, and $$$2\epsilon$$$ is a bound on the noise. This problem can be solved efficiently with standard algorithms (e.g. FISTA [3,4]).
Applications of compressed sensing rely on $$$\Psi$$$ operating as a sparsifying transform, a linear transformation that converts the image into a sparse or nearly sparse vector. Technically, if $$$A\,\Psi^{-1}$$$ satisfies the Mutual Coherence Conditions (MCC) [5], the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP) [6], RIP in levels (RIPL) [7,8], the Null Space Property (NSP) [9], or the Range Space Property (RSP) [10,11], then a solution of (1) is also an optimal point of the corresponding sparse signal recovery problem [2,12].
The Daubechies wavelet transform is often used as the sparsifying transform [13]. One might hope that the specific properties of the wavelet transform could be utilized to improve the quality of compressed sensing results. That is the subject of this work.


In this work, we identify an affine transformation that increases the sparsity of the transformed image when compared to the Daubechies wavelet transform of the same image. And we present a method to adapt this transformation into the existing compressed sensing framework.
The Daubechies wavelet transform is comprised of two finite-impulse-response filters: a low-frequency filter and a high-frequency filter. Because natural images have high energy in the low frequencies, the corresponding elements of the wavelet transform will be not be sparse. An example of this is shown in Fig. 1. Note that the filters are not perfect and, therefore, result in aliasing. The wavelet transform is invertible because the two filters are perfect reconstruction filters.
Our approach is to use a fully-sampled center region to estimate the low-frequency bin of the wavelet transform. The size of the fully-sampled region satisfies the Nyquist theorem for the low-frequency image. The following optimization problem is solved to determine the remaining Fourier coefficients:
\begin{equation}\underset{y\in\mathbb{C}^N}{\text{minimize}} \hspace{0.5em} \| W \, ( y - F^\ast \,\hat{y}_L ) \|_1 \hspace{0.5em} \text{subject to} \hspace{0.5em} (1/2) \, \|M\,F\,y - b\|_2^2 < \epsilon, \label{eq:moreSparseImageRecon}\hspace{5em}(2)\end{equation}
where $$$\hat{y}_L=K_B\,M_L\,b$$$ is an estimate of the low-frequency bin of the wavelet transform. Above, $$$W$$$ is the Daubechies wavelet transform, $$$F^\ast$$$ is the adjoint of the unitary $$$F$$$, $$$K_B$$$ is a Kaiser-Bessel filter, and $$$M_L$$$ is a data sampling mask that isolates only the fully-sampled center region. We call (2) the More Sparse Basis Pursuit Denoising Problem (MSBPD).The sparsifying transform is now affine, rather than linear. But this problem can be converted into the basis pursuit denoising problem by defining $$$A=MFW^{-1}$$$ and $$$\beta=b - F^{\ast} \, \hat{y}_L$$$. The values of the wavelet coefficients with the low frequencies removed from the image can be recovered by solving
\begin{equation}\underset{z\in\mathbb{C}^N}{\text{minimize}} \hspace{0.5em} \| W \, z \|_1 \hspace{0.5em}\text{subject to} \hspace{0.5em} (1/2) \, \|A\,z - \beta\|_2^2.\hspace{5em}(3)\end{equation}
The key insight is that $$$z=W \, ( y - F^\ast \, \hat{y}_L )$$$ will be more sparse (have more values approximately equal to $$$0$$$) than $$$W\,y$$$. Thus, by the theorems of compressed sensing, the reconstructed image $$$y^{\star}=W^{-1}z^{\star} + F^\ast \hat{y}_L$$$ will be more accurate [1], where $$$z^{\star}$$$ is the solution to (3).


Figure 2 shows several variable density sampling patterns of different percentages and the results of solving the original BPD and the MSBPD problems. In all cases, MSBPD presents a more accurate image compared to the original image shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3 zooms into a region of the kneecap when only $$$8\%$$$ of the data is sampled. The MSBPD reconstruction retains more of the fine detail than the BPD reconstruction. Fig. 4, which shows a zoomed in region of a different portion of the knee, shows a similar difference in quality.


In this work, we present a modification of the standard implementation of compressed sensing that takes advantage of the structure of the Daubechies wavelet transform. By doing so, we show that we retain additional detail in the reconstructed images when few data samples are used.


No acknowledgement found.


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(Left) original MR image of a knee. (Center-left) Daubechies Wavelet transform of the knee. (Center-right) Daubechies Wavelet transform of the knee with $4$ levels of recursion. (Right) Zoom in of lowest-frequency portion shows a lack of sparsity.

Reconstructions of MR images of the the knee with different sampling percentages.

Zoom in to reconstructions of MRI data of knee from 8% of the data. (a) shows the original image; (b) shows the reconstruction using BPD; and (c) shows reconstruction with MSBPD. The red arrows point to regions in the imagery where the improvement in quality of MSBPD over the other algorithms is very apparent. Furthermore, one notes that the variations in the bone marrow are significantly less in the MSBPD reconstruction than in the BPD result, as expected.

Zoom in to reconstructions of MRI data of knee from 8% of the data. (a) shows the original image; (b) shows the reconstruction using BPD; and (c) shows reconstruction with MSBPD. The number of artifacts is reduced for the MSBPD reconstruction than the BPD reconstruction.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)