Rolf F Schulte1, Mary A McLean2, Joshua D Kaggie2, Stephan Ursprung2, Ramona Woitek2, Ferdia A Gallagher2, Esben S S Hansen3, Nikolaj Bogh3, and Christoffer Laustsen3
1GE Healthcare, Munich, Germany, 2Department of Radiology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3MR Research Centre, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
Multi-channel receive coils can improve coverage for metabolic
imaging with hyperpolarised 13C compounds. Combining different
receive channels in an SNR-optimal way is challenging due to the difficulties
in determining sensitivity maps. The main aim of this work was to implement and
optimise a Singular-Value-Decomposition (SVD) based sensitivity map extraction
from metabolic images with a single spectral point per metabolite and to
investigate its performance in SNR-limited metabolic imaging experiments.
receive coils can improve coverage for metabolic imaging with hyperpolarised 13C
compounds. Especially when imaging larger regions of interest, such as the
human abdomen, these coils gained popularity. The downside of multi-channel
receive coils is a more involved reconstruction: SNR-optimal coil combination
requires receive coil sensitivity maps, which are not readily available for 13C
because of its low natural abundance signal. Therefore, root-mean-squares coil
combination is popular due to its ease of implementation and robustness. More
SNR-optimal methods extract sensitivity maps from the acquired metabolic data
itself, and use those for phasing, weighting and combining the different coil
elements [1,2]. These methods were applied to MRSI data with full spectroscopic
sampling. The goal of the present work was to implement and optimise the
SVD-based sensitivity map extraction from metabolic images with a single
spectral point per metabolite and investigate its performance in heavily
SNR-limited experiments.Methods
Kidney, heart and breast data were acquired with IDEAL-spiral Chemical-Shift
Imaging (CSI), where a single-shot spiral trajectory is delayed in different
excitations to encode a few spectral points [3]. Brain data was acquired using
spectral-spatial excitation combined with a single-shot spiral readout [4]. Experiments
were performed at two different centres on whole-body 3T scanners (MR750, GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA) equipped with various multi-channel 13C receive
coils (Rapid Biomedical, Rimpar, Germany). [1-13C]pyruvate was polarised using
a SPINlab Polariser (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA) and injected in humans and pigs.
The acquired data were reconstructed automatically on the scanner using spectral
inversion (only for IDEAL), spatial apodisation, zero-filling and gridding
reconstruction, yielding 5 metabolic images for pyruvate, lactate, alanine,
bi-carbonate and pyruvate-hydrate.
Coil combination:
The reconstructed data was fed into the
coil-combination algorithm consisting of the following steps: (1) averaging data
along the time dimension; (2) noise decorrelation of data; (3) SVD-based
calculation of sensitivity maps; (4) background phase removal of sensitivity
maps; (5) polynomial interpolation for smoothing of sensitivity maps; (6)
normalisation of sensitivity maps to a root-mean-squares value of one along the
coil dimension; (7) multiplication of data with sensitivity maps to weight and
phase individual coil maps spatially; (8) summation of data (both original and
time-averaged) along the coil dimension. For comparison, coils were also
combined via root-mean-square (RMS) calculation along the coil dimension.
Time-averaging the data acquired over multiple time steps (step 1)
is possible, because the phase does not change over time, hence reducing matrix
size for the SVD calculation. The noise decorrelation (step 2) uses the lowest
10% of the (not time averaged) signal in spatial domain as noise, assuming that
the object is not covering the full field of view. The SVD calculation (step 3)
uses the complex data (with matrix size #time-steps*#metabolites by #coils) looping
over all spatial voxel. The complex coil sensitivities are given directly by the
first right singular vector. The resulting phase of these complex coil
sensitivities has phase jumps depending on the object/coil arrangement, which
are removed through the background phase removal (step 4): a signal-weighted
phase average is calculated over all coils; this spatially-varying pseudo-phase
is then subtracted from the sensitivity maps. Polynomial interpolation of the
complex coil sensitivities (step 5) is applied to smoothen the sensitivity maps
[5]. Normalisation (step 6) is required, because the “body coil” image is not
available, and sensitivity maps must not induce additional, data-dependent
signal. In the final step (7), the original data is corrected by the coil
sensitivity maps and summed over the coil dimension.
The signal-to-noise ratio was determined by calculating the mean of
the highest 3% of signal over the standard deviation of the lowest 10% of
signal from each respective metabolite image.Results and Discussion
Coil combination of metabolic images using the SVD-based method
removes the Rician noise bias of the RMS method and improves SNR, particularly when
the metabolic images are noisy (Figs. 1,3,4,5). Applying noise decorrelation
and polynomial smoothing (subsequently called “SVD+”) to the data further
improves SNR. In the human 13C kidney data (Fig. 1) lactate SNR was
improved from 52 (RMS), 55 (bare SVD) to 62 (SVD+) for lactate and from 123, 132
to 142 for pyruvate. SNR values for the other organs are listed in the
respective captions (Fig. 3-5). Sensitivity maps extracted from the data look
reasonable, especially after polynomial smoothing (Fig. 2).Conclusion
SVD-based coil combination was shown to be robust and improved SNR in
multiple datasets and could be included in the automatic reconstruction on the
MRI scanner.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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