A Singular Value Shrinkage Approach to Remove Artifacts from Neuro-electrophysiology Data Recorded During fMRI at 16.4T
Corey Edward Cruttenden1, Wei Zhu1, Yi Zhang1, Xiao-Hong Zhu1, Rajesh Rajamani2, and Wei Chen1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States


Acquiring neuro-electrophysiology signal simultaneously with fMRI is hindered by electromagnetic field interactions that generate artifacts, including fMRI gradient induced artifacts in the neuro-electrophysiology data. This abstract presents a novel method using a separation boundary on the singular value decomposition of the first difference of artifact-contaminated data to accurately reconstruct clean neural signals. The separation boundary can be estimated from a brief baseline recording period followed by simultaneous fMRI and neuro-electrophysiological data acquisition. The method is successfully demonstrated on neural recording data acquired simultaneously with time-series echo planar imaging at 16.4T.


Simultaneous acquisition of neuro-electrophysiology and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) provides complimentary data to correlate fast processes with high spatial specificity (neuronal action potentials) and the slower blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) dynamics and functional connectivity imaged by fMRI. The use of ultrahigh field (UHF) in fMRI provides superior signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios, enhances the BOLD contribution from the microvasculature and improves the specificity of fMRI mapping (1,2). Unfortunately, fMRI data acquisition introduces large artifacts in neuro-electrophysiology recordings due to the time-varying magnetic gradients coupling into neural recording hardware. Previous solutions to this problem involved artifact template subtraction and/or regression approaches, and the use of principal component analysis (PCA) to provide additional basis functions for artifact removal (3–14). However, choosing the correct number of principal component axes corresponding to artifacts is not straightforward. In this abstract we present a novel approach to artifact removal that utilizes the discrete time-derivative of neural recording data acquired during fMRI at UHF (16.4T) to provide a clear boundary for separation of artifacts and neuro-electrophysiology.


MRI-compatible multi-electrode arrays were acquired from NeuroNexus and chronically implanted into the cortex of female Sprague-Dawley rats. Subsequently, rats were anesthetized with isoflurane (nosecone) with their heads fixed. A single-loop 1H surface coil (698 MHz) was positioned over the head and the rat was placed in a 16.4T animal scanner (Varian). Respiration and body temperature were monitored and maintained within normal ranges. Animal procedures were approved by the IACUC at the University of Minnesota. Echo-planar imaging (EPI - single shot, 8 slices, TR = 1000 ms, TE = 12 ms, 0.375 mm in-plane resolution, 0.5 mm slice thickness, 300 repetitions) was performed simultaneously with neuro-electrophysiological recording at 24.4 kHz using a Tucker-Davis Technologies system. The fMRI scanning artifacts were separated from neural recording data using a singular value decomposition (SVD)– PCA approach, outlined in Fig. 1. The first difference of artifact contaminated data was computed and a matrix was formed from data aligned by TR. The mean artifact waveform was removed, centering the data matrix and leaving a combination of artifact residuals and neural signals. The residual data matrix was separated into artifacts and neural signals through soft shrinkage of singular values. The separation boundary is estimated by Equation 1, was found through trial-and-error in modifying the positive bulk edge of the MP-distribution (15) on neuro-electrophysiology acquired without artifacts.
$$s_{+}=\sigma\sqrt{N}\left( 1+\sqrt{\beta\left(\frac{16}{9}-\frac{1}{3}\beta^{1/2}\right)} \right); \beta = \frac{M}{N}; 0<\beta\leq1\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space\space Eq. (1)$$
Equation 1 provides an objective boundary $$$(s_{+})$$$ to separate artifacts and neural recording data based on the matrix size (M x N) and the standard deviation $$$(\sigma)$$$ of the first difference of the neural recording data. After separation, the artifact contributions are added to the mean artifact waveform to compute the artifact estimate, and neuro-electrophysiology data is reconstructed from the SVD matrices.


The effectiveness of our singular value shrinkage approach to artifact removal is highlighted in Figs. 2 and 3. Figure 2 compares artifact removal through the alternative method of least mean squares (LMS) artifact template fitting (top) to singular value shrinkage separation (bottom). LMS artifact fitting leaves substantial residual interferences whereas the SVD-based shrinkage approach is able to uncover clean local field potential (LFP) signals prior to additional filtering. Figure 3 presents the LFP spectrogram and time-domain plots centered around the transition from EPI acquisition to post-scan to show that the data during and after scanning are of the same quality detected from a representative electrode. The neuron spiking signal is also presented in the lower left panel, which was obtained through additional processing previously reported (16,17). The mean EPI images acquired during the neural recording are illustrated on the right-side of Fig. 3.


The singular value shrinkage approach to separate the time-derivative of fMRI scanning artifacts and neuro-electrophysiology is highly effective and does not require manual and subjective estimation of the separating boundary, thanks to Equation (1) which bounds the first difference of neural recording data acquired without artifacts. This merit enables excellent quality LFP to be uncovered from the scanning artifacts which will benefit study of the brain activation and neurovascular coupling at the scale of functional columns and layers. Incorporating adaptive virtual referencing techniques also enables visualization of the neuronal action potential signals. To this point we have utilized a very conservative soft-shrinkage approach to artifact separation based on Equation (1) that aims to completely preserve neural signal contributions to the singular values. However, using an optimal shrinkage strategy on the first difference of neural recording data presents a potential path to full spectrum neuro-electrophysiology (LFP and spikes) during UHF fMRI without signal gaps in the neuron spike signal obtainable by the current state-of-the-art.


We have presented a new approach to artifact removal from neuro-electrophysiology acquired during UHF fMRI that builds on previous PCA-based approaches. The first difference of neural recording data is positively bounded by Equation (1), allowing clear separation of artifacts from neuro-electrophysiology. This technique allows simultaneous fMRI and electrophysiology recording at UHF with high fidelity and robustness as tested at 16.4T for future study of neurovascular coupling and brain function at the meso-scale of functional columns and laminae in animal models.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Yuncong Ma for helpful discussion regarding simultaneous fMRI and neural recording. This work was supported in part by NIH grants of R01 MH111413, R01 NS118330, P41 EB027061, P30 NS076408, S10 RR025031, the W.M. Keck Foundation, and by the University of Minnesota’s MnDRIVE (Minnesota’s Discovery, Research and Innovation Economy) initiative.


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Schematic of artifact removal approach. Artifact contaminated data is aligned by TR and the first difference is computed, followed by mean waveform separation, and SVD-based shrinkage on residuals to further separate artifacts from neural signals. Separated artifact and neural signal contributions are reconstructed and integrated (cumulative summation) to form artifact and clean neural signal estimates. Data acquired from rat cortex in vivo during echo planar imaging at 16.4T.

Comparison of LMS scaling of the mean artifact waveform for artifact removal (top) with SVD-based shrinkage approach (bottom). Substantial residual artifact remains after LMS fit mean artifact removal, indicating that the mean waveform is not an adequate basis to represent all artifact occurrences. SVD provides additional basis functions that can be used to separate artifact and signal using SV shrinkage. Right-side panels depict zoomed view of blue boxes in left-side panels.

Spectrogram (top left) and local field potential (middle left) during and immediately after EPI scan. The EPI scan period (up to 467.6 s) is indicated by blue shading in the time-domain plots. Neuronal spike signal during the same period (bottom left). The SVD shrinkage approach uncovers excellent quality LFP recordings when compared to post-scan time periods in the spectrogram and time domain. The mean EPI images acquired during the recording are presented on the right.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)