Variational Feedback Network for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction
Pak Lun Kevin Ding1, Riti Paul1, Baoxin Li1, Ameet C. Patel2, and Yuxiang Zhou2
1CIDSE, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States, 2RADIOLOGY, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Tempe, AZ, United States


Conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a prolonged procedure. Therefore, it’s beneficial to reduce scan time as it improves patient experience and reduces scanning cost. While many approaches have been proposed for obtaining high quality reconstruction images using under-sampled k-space data, deep learning has started to show promising results when compared with conventional methods. In this paper, we propose a Variational Feedback Network (VFN) for accelerated MRI reconstruction. Specifically, we extend the previously proposed variational network with recurrent neural network (RNN). Quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate that our proposed model performs superiorly against other compared methods on MRI reconstruction.


MRI is an important diagnostic tool for a lot of diseases. However, compared to other imaging techniques the scan time of MRI is relatively longer, which leads to poor patient experience and expensive cost. In order to improve the situation, it is meaningful to investigate if it is possible to decrease the scan time, while preserving the quality of the reconstructed images. Parallel Imaging (PI)[1, 2, 3], Compressed sensing (CS)[4], GRAPPA[3] are some important techniques. However, these algorithms have high complexity and take significant time to reconstruct the images, making them less practical. Recently, deep learning is providing promising results for many tasks in artificial intelligence[5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. The superiority of deep learning based approach mainly comes from the nonlinearity capacity of the neural network[13, 14, 15]. In order to increase the complexity of the network, researchers usually increase the number of layers, which requires a lot of storage resources and also makes the model suffer from the overfitting problem. Recurrent structure is one of the solutions to the aforementioned problems. Its effectiveness has been shown in some recent studies[16, 17]. In this paper, we propose a Variational Feedback Network for accelerated MRI reconstruction, which is an extension to a previously proposed variational model[18] with feedback connections and recurrent structure(See Figure 1). We conduct comparisons among different models which demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms other leading neural networks for MRI reconstruction.


We propose our Variational Feedback Network (VFN) in this section.The basic block of our network is a U-Net[19]-like feedback network. We use it as part of the recurrent network, which is employed in the variational network.

  • Feedback Block:
The feedback block consists of an encoder and a decoder. They both have the same levels of conv-conv-pool and unpool-conv-conv combinations respectively, where each $$$3 \times 3$$$ convolution layer is followed by normalization and activation function. The encoder doubles up the number of channels at each level and the decoder reduces it to 1/4th at each level. For the encoder, it takes two inputs, one from the degraded images after some convolutions, and one from the feedback block in the previous fold. The inputs are then fused together to become a set of features having $$$c$$$ channels by a $$$1 \times 1$$$ convolutional layer followed by a $$$2 \times 2$$$ pooling layer with stride = 2. This is followed by a series of conv-conv-pool blocks, as mentioned earlier. For the decoder, in addition to the skip connections from each subsequent level, an unpooling layer is applied to the feature at the end of the decoder, and is output as one of the input for the feedback block in the next fold (See Figure 1).

  • Feedback Network:
As illustrated in Figure 2, the subnetwork can be divided into three parts: feature extraction, feedback block, and reconstruction.The first part contains two $$$3 \times 3$$$ convolutional layers, each accompanied by a normalization and an activation layer. The output of this part in the $$$t$$$-th fold can be expressed as: $$$ x_{in}^t = f_{FE}(I_{DS})$$$ where $$$I_{DS}$$$ is the down-sampled data. This is followed by the feedback block, which takes output from the feature extractor as one of its inputs and output from the feedback block from the previous fold, as its optional input. If there is no input from the previous fold, the $$$1 \times 1$$$ convolutional layer will not be applied. Mathematically, $$$ [x_{out}^t, F^t] = f_{FB}(x_{in}^t, F^{t-1}) $$$ where $$$F^{t}$$$ is the output for the feedback connection in the $$$t$$$-th fold. The next part is reconstruction, where $$$x_{out}$$$ is passed through a $$$3 \times 3$$$ convolution layer, normalization and activation layer, followed by a $$$1 \times 1$$$ convolution layer. Added to the skip connection, mathematically : $$$ I_{REC} = f_R(x_{out}) + I_{DS}$$$. We name this model Feedback Network(FN).

  • Variational Network:
We employ the variational network structure in [18] by using our feedback mechanism and call it Variational Feedback Network (VFN). This structure introduces the estimation of sensitivity maps to help refining the reconstruction. To fit it into the refinement modules, we use the same image for all the inputs in the same refinement module. Only the last refinement module returns all the outputs of the FN, the remaining modules only return from the last fold ($$$t=T$$$). The illustration of the modified network is shown in Fig. 4.


The multi coil brain datasets from fastMRI are used to evaluate our proposed VFN. Due to lack of ground truth, we used the validation data to evaluate the performance.We compare our VFN model with U-Net[19], E2EVN[18]. We train the networks for 25 epochs with batch size = 1. Adam optimizer[20] is used for with learning rate = 0.0001. The number of folds $$$T$$$ is set to 2. Table 1 shows the various metric evaluations.


In this paper, we propose a new architecture - Variational Feedback Network for MRI reconstruction. The feedback connections and the recurrent U-Net structure can transmit the high level features back to the lower layers and refine the low level features, while reusing a lot of parameters.The experimental results have demonstrated that our proposed VFN outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.


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Figure 1: The illustration of our feedback mechanism. Similar to RNN, the output of the network is used as an input to the network in the next fold.

Figure 2: An illustration of our feedback block. In the figure, green thick arrows represents $$$1 \times 1$$$ convolutional layers; Blue thick arrows denote $$$3 \times 3$$$ convolutional layers, each of them is followed by a normalization layer and a nonlinear activation layer; Red and yellow thick arrows represent the pooling layers and unpooling layers respectively; The skip connections are represented by the green thin arrows; The black thin arrows are the input/output for the feedback block, while the red thin arrows represent the input/output for the feedback connections.

Figure 3: The figure illustrate our feedback network (FN). The red arrows indicates the inputs/outputs for the feedback connections. They are indicated as red thin arrows in Figure 2. See Fig. 2 for the details of the feedback network.

Figure 4: The figure shows (a) our proposed network. Similar to [28], DC, R, SME represent the data consistency, refinement and the sensitivity map estimation modules respectively; (b) the unfolded view of (a); (c) Our modified refinement module. Fourier Transform, Inverse Fourier Transform and our proposed feedback network are denoted by IFT, FT and FN respectively.

Table 1: The normalised mean square error (NMSE), structural similarity index measure (SSIM), Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) for U-Net, E2EVN and our proposed VFN on 4x acceleration.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 29 (2021)