Qing-San Xiang1,2
1Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) has many applications. One crucial step of SWI is background phase error removal that typically
involves smoothing either before or after phase unwrapping. Both approaches may have to face difficulties when large isolated phase loops (around poles or
singularities) are present in the image.
In this work, background correction
with phase diffusor (BACOPSOR) is introduced. It is straightforward to implement and has a desirable immunity to phase loops. Application of BACOPSOR to SWI has been demonstrated with in vivo data.
Weighted Imaging (SWI)1 is a useful technique with a broad range of clinical and research applications. Complex images of SWI
are acquired with T2* weighted sequences using gradient echoes,
in which the phase contains contributions from magnetic field inhomogeneity due
to local tissue susceptibility variations as well as a smoothly varying
background phase error. In SWI, the former is of interest and the latter is to
be removed. Typically, this goal is achieved by taking advantage of their
intrinsic properties, namely the spatial change of the latter is more gradual
and smoother relative to the former. One approach used homodyne demodulation,
where the complex image was first smoothed using a low-pass filter and
resulting phase was removed as the background phase error1. An alternative
approach used a phase unwrapping operation followed by smoothing of the unwrapped
phase map2. The above methods
work well in many cases but may be challenged when large phase loops are
present in the data3. The very center of
such phase loop is a pole (or singularity) where the phase value is undefined,
similar to the undefined local time at the North and South Poles on Earth. When
the complex image is smoothed at a pole, the result may become unstable,
yielding erroneous background phase correction; On the other hand, correct
phase unwrapping may be very difficult if not impossible at a large phase loop due to its
peculiar topological structure similar to Penrose stairs4. In both cases,
approximations are used as the background phase which may result in artifacts
in the subsequent SWI contrast. In this work, an algorithm of background correction
with phase diffusor (BACOPSOR) is introduced. Although involving only simple
operations, it has the desirable immunity to large phase loops with center
poles, and thus may offer improved results. With
in vivo data, BACOPSOR has been demonstrated to be useful for
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging.Method
Theory: The phase map ϕ can be directly smoothed by a hypothetical diffusion process5
that satisfies the following equation,
∂ϕ∂t=D▽2ϕ (1)
where D is a constant
diffusion coefficient.
Using discrete temporal
steps, a recursive expression can be obtained,
ϕn+1=ϕn+D▽2ϕn (2)
where the phase Laplacian
includes spatial differentials as well as a phase wrapping operator W that returns a wrapped value within [−π,+π). In 2D, the phase Laplacian ▽2ϕn for a pixel at (x,y) is then found from itself and its 4-connected neighbors,
▽2ϕn=W[ϕn(x+1,y)−ϕn]+W[ϕn(x−1,y)−ϕn]+W[ϕn(x,y+1)−ϕn]+W[ϕn(x,y−1)−ϕn] (3)
The same wrapping operator W is applied to all terms in Eq.(2) and
Eq.(3) when they are added. The phase Laplacian ▽2ϕn is set to zero at pixels on the pole mask3 as shown in Fig.1(c). After a total of N steps of iterations, a
smooth background phase map can be obtained and removed from the original phase
Complex in vivo brain images were acquired on a 3T
scanner using a gradient-echo sequence, with matrix size = 430x510. Data were processed offline with the
above algorithm for background error removal, on a
laptop PC with a program written in C-language. The following parameters were
used D=0.2, N=100.Results
1 shows a representative slice of original complex image in magnitude (a) and phase (b)
respectively. Figure 1(b)
contains a large phase loop around a pole indicated by a red circle. This structure can be problematic for complex
smoothing and phase unwrapping. A pole mask3 was readily generated as Fig.1(c). Figure
2(a) shows the original phase map processed by Eq.(2) after N=100 iterations.
The phase is well smoothed representing the background phase error. The large
phase loop was not affected by the diffusion process and thus can be removed altogether
as well. Figure 2(b) shows resulting phase map after background correction when
the phase of Fig.2(a) was removed from that of Fig.1(b), leaving a clean phase
contrast only due to local susceptibility variations. For comparison, the original
images in Fig.1 were also processed with complex smoothing. The circled pole has been shifted slightly to another location as shown in Fig.3(a).
Figure 3(b) is result after phase subtraction of Fig.3(a) from Fig.1(b), a dipole has been created near the pole, and other artifacts can be seen in regions
where the phase changed rapidly (arrows).Discussion
BACOPSOR uses a phase Laplacian
operator iteratively to perform phase diffusion that is able to smooth the
phase map while keeping the large phase loops intact. The “phase flow” travels
around the pole without changing its structure.
When the diffused phase map obtained as such was subtracted from the
original phase map, both the slow varying background and the large phase loops were simultaneously removed, yielding a clean desired phase contrast due to only local susceptibility variations.
Diffusive phase evolution was previously used in pseudo-temporal phase
unwrapping (PTPU)5 for flow velocity
mapping. This approach may also be expected to find utility in other phase
sensitive applications such as Dixon water-fat imaging6. Beyond 2D, BACOPSOR can also be readily implemented in higher dimensions.Conclusion
An algorithm of background
correction with phase diffusor (BACOPSOR) is described. Unlike other approaches such as complex smoothing and phase
unwrapping, it is straightforward and robust as demonstrated with in
vivo data for susceptibility weighted imaging.Acknowledgements
No acknowledgement found.References
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