Blood flow measurements in diabetic kidney disease: A comparison of phase contrast, arterial spin labelling and dynamic contrast enhanced MRI

Brain response to acupuncture treatment in dysmenorrhea: An arterial spin labeling study

Disentangling the heterogeneity of MCI condition by unsupervised clustering of brain measurements on ASL and T1w MR imaging

Evidence for a sustained cerebrovascular response following motor practice

Free-breathing Renal Perfusion Imaging with Multi-Delay Arterial Spin Labeling Using Subspace-Based Fast MR

How to Benchmark DSC-MRI: the technical development of an anthropomorphic phantom for software validation

Image Quality Optimization: DCE imaging of the Liver at 3T using a Continuously Acquired Radial Golden-angle Compressed Sensing Acquisition

Increased labeling efficiency with Maxmin pTx B1+ shimming for pseudo-continuous Arterial Spin Labeling at 7T

Perfusion mapping with sinusoidal CO2 respiratory challenge

Reproducibility and Validation of Water Permeability in Human Brain using Magnetization Transfer based ASL at 7T

Robust blood brain barrier integrity measurements in clinically significant short scan time

A separate RF Neck Coil for Arterial Spin Labeling at 7T MRI

Velocity-Selective Inversion prepared Arterial Spin Labeling: Examination in a Commercial Perfusion Phantom