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Accelerated 3D Myelin Water Imaging using Joint Parallel Imaging and Variable Splitting Network

Author:Jae-Hun Lee  Jaeuk Yi  Kanghyun Ryu  Soozy Jung  Dong-Hyun Kim  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Constrained & Model-Based Reconstructions  

Session Name:Parallel Imaging Reconstruction  

Program Number:1160  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:Stanford Univ.  Yonsei Univ.  

Accelerating Bayesian Compressed Sensing for Fast Multi-Contrast Reconstruction

Accurate Quantitative G-factor Calculation in Dual-kernel Slice-GRAPPA Reconstruction

Autocalibrating Segmented Diffusion Weighted Acquisitions (ASeDiWA)

Author:Michael Herbst  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Constrained & Model-Based Reconstructions  

Session Name:Parallel Imaging Reconstruction  

Program Number:1163  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:Bruker BioSpin MRI GmbH  

Calibrationless Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Simultaneous Multi-slice PROPELLER of Upper Abdomen

Coil Sensitivity Estimation with Deep Sets Towards End-to-End Accelerated MRI Reconstruction

Highly undersampled GROG-BPE radial data reconstruction using Compressed Sensing

Hybrid K-space EPI (HyKE) Reconstruction for Accelerated Imaging

Is good old GRAPPA dead?

Author:Zaccharie Ramzi  Philippe Ciuciu  Jean-Luc Starck  Alexandre Vignaud  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Constrained & Model-Based Reconstructions  

Session Name:Parallel Imaging Reconstruction  

Program Number:1168  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:CEA  Neurospin  Inria Saclay  

Marchenko-Pastur Virtual Coil Compression (MP-VCC)

MGRAPPA: Motion Corrected GRAPPA for MRI

Near-optimal tuning-free multicoil compressed sensing MRI with Parallel Variable Density Approximate Message Passing

Author:Charles Millard  Aaron Hess  Jared Tanner  Boris Mailhe  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Constrained & Model-Based Reconstructions  

Session Name:Parallel Imaging Reconstruction  

Program Number:1157  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:Siemens Healthineers  University of Oxford  

non-Cartesian Parallel imaging and compressed sensing adapted for accelerating hybrid trajectory PETRA

Author:Fang Dong  Dehe Weng  Nan Xiao  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Constrained & Model-Based Reconstructions  

Session Name:Parallel Imaging Reconstruction  

Program Number:1156  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd.  

Reduced Field of View Parallel Imaging with Wave Encoded k-Space Trajectory

Resolving fold-over artefacts for Reduced Field-of-View Parallel Imaging with Cartesian Sampling

Simultaneous FLAIR T1W and T2W imaging using Temporal Harmonic Encoding

Author:Tzu-Cheng Chao  James Pipe  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Constrained & Model-Based Reconstructions  

Session Name:Parallel Imaging Reconstruction  

Program Number:1161  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:Mayo Clinic  

Two-Dimensional Coil-signature-based Phase Cycled Reconstruction for Inherent Correction of Echo-Planar Imaging Nyquist Ghost Artifacts

VCC-Wave for Improved Parallel MRI of High Resolution and High Bandwidth

ZTE Infilling From Auto-calibration Neighbourhood Elements

Author:Tobias Wood  Emil Ljungberg  Mark Chiew  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Constrained & Model-Based Reconstructions  

Session Name:Parallel Imaging Reconstruction  

Program Number:1169  

Room Session:Concurrent 1  

Institution:King's College London  University of Oxford