Correlated and specific features fusion based on attention mechanism for grading hepatocellular carcinoma with Contrast-enhanced MR

High isolation 8-channel pTx system for UHF MRI

Jointly grading and microvascular invasion predicting of hepatocellular carcinoma based on multi-task deep learning

Malignancy-specificstructural-functional dyscouplinginbrainswithglioma

Micro- and macro-structural alterations of white matter following sleep deprivation: a longitudinal fixel-based analysis

Prediction of Drug Treatment Outcome among Epilepsy Children with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex based on Deep Neural Network and Multi-contrast MRI

Thalamic Plasticity in Brains with Glioma Investigated with Discrete Wavelet Transformation Analysis of Resting-stateBOLD Fluctuations

Water specific T1 mapping for characterization of inflammation grades at early stage in Rats with Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)