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Compatibility of a 3D Time-of-Flight Video Camera for Motion Capture with a 0.55T MRI System

Contrastive Learning of Inter-domain Similarity for Unsupervised Multi-modality Deformable Registration

Deep Learning and Fat Fraction Based Analysis of Calf MRI in Diabetic Patients Following Exercise Intervention

Dual-domain Self-supervised Learning for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction

Generalized Bloch model: a theory for pulsed magnetization transfer

GRASP-Pro+: GRASP reconstruction with locally low-rank subspace constraint for DCE-MRI

Linking Histology with Multi-Contrast MRI via Deep Learning

Author:Jiangyang Zhang  

Session Type:Member-Initiated Symposium  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  


Session Name:Harnessing Histology for Microstructure Imaging  

Program Number:

Room Session:ICC Capital Hall 1  

Institution:New York University  

    MRI contrast synthesis from low-rank coefficient images

    Author:Xiaoxia Zhang  Sebastian Flassbeck  Jakob Assländer  

    Session Type:Online Pitches  

    Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  

    Topic:Module 6: Advances in Data Acquisition  

    Session Name:Advances in Data Acquisition I  

    Program Number:3494  

    Room Session:6  

    Institution:New York University  

    Musculoskeletal MRI in the Presence of Metal: Technical Considerations

    Author:Jan Fritz  

    Session Type:Sunrise Course  

    Session Date:Monday, 09 May 2022  


    Session Name:Musculoskeletal Imaging: Musculoskeletal MRI in the Presence of Metal  

    Program Number:

    Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 7 & 12  

    Institution:New York University  

      Parameter Optimization for High-Resolution MR Elastography of the Human Brain at 7T

      Prediction of Total Knee Replacement using Vision Transformers

      Author:Chaojie Zhang  Haresh Rengaraj Rajamohan  Kyunghyun Cho  Gregory Chang  Cem Deniz  

      Session Type:Online Pitches  

      Session Date:Wednesday, 11 May 2022  

      Topic:Module 12: MSK I  

      Session Name:MSK II  

      Program Number:4431  

      Room Session:4  

      Institution:New York University  New York University Langone Health  

      Quantum Sensing of Local Neuronal Firings (qsLNF) in Human Brain via Proton (1H) MRI: Proof of Concept

      Author:Yongxian Qian  Liz Calderon  Xingye Chen  Anli Liu  Yvonne Lui  Fernando Boada  

      Session Type:Online Pitches  

      Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

      Topic:Module 23: MR Contrasts  

      Session Name:MR Contrasts III  

      Program Number:4088  

      Room Session:4  

      Institution:New York University  

      Rapid quantitative magnetization transfer imaging: utilizing the hybrid state and the generalized Bloch model

      Sodium MRI

      Author:Guillaume Madelin  

      Session Type:Weekday Course  

      Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  


      Session Name:Detecting Dynamic Metabolic Processes Using X-Nuclei  

      Program Number:

      Room Session:S11 (Breakout B)  

      Institution:New York University  

      A spectrally interleaved magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging sequence incorporating semi-adiabatic pulses at ultrahigh field

      Two-Step Semi-Supervised Denoising for Low-field Diffusion MRI

      Unsupervised Diffeomorphic Registration for Even and Odd Echo Images with Applications to Point-of-Care MRI Reconstruction

      Unsupervised Diffeomorphic Registration for Even and Odd Echo Images with Applications to Point-of-Care MRI Reconstruction