GRASP-Pro+: GRASP reconstruction with locally low-rank subspace constraint for DCE-MRI
Eddy Solomon1, Jonghyun Bae1,2, Elcin Zan2, Linda Moy2, Yulin Ge2, Li Feng3, and Gene Sungheon Kim1
1Department of Radiology, MRI Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Department of Radiology, New York University, New York, NY, United States, 3BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States


While the globally low-rank (GLR) model has been demonstrated to be effective in representing global contrast change, it is expected to be less effective for spatially localized signal dynamics. In this work, we propose an improved reconstruction framework, which extends GRASP-Pro using a locally low-rank (LLR) model to represent spatially localized dynamics based on clusters or patches information. This approach has been tested in multiple DCE applications including both cancer and healthy subjects. In addition, we propose an anatomical cluster-based reconstruction approach for brain DCE-MRI.


The combination of golden‐angle radial imaging with compressed sensing image reconstruction has gained much interest in recent years. Specifically, the development of GRASP (golden‐angle radial sparse parallel) reconstruction (1) for dynamic-contrast-enhanced (DCE) imaging has led to improved performance in many applications (2). Recently, an improved version of GRASP, called GRASP-Pro, was developed (3) to combine low‐rank subspace modeling with sparsity constraints. GRASP-Pro aims to reconstruct compressed representations of dynamic MRI data using pre-estimated spatiotemporal basis functions based on the globally low-rank (GLR) model. Specifically, temporal bases learned from the undersampled radial DCE data are used to generate a subspace to enforce an explicit low‐rank constraint, which later is used for the reconstruction of the full-resolution image series. While GRASP-Pro provides significant improvement in image quality over conventional GRASP, its ability to provide adequate temporal information to represent the full‐resolution image‐series remains limited. Moreover, while the GLR model has been demonstrated to be effective at representing global contrast changes (4), it is expected to be less effective for spatially localized signal dynamics. In this work, we propose an improved reconstruction framework, which extends GRASP-Pro using a locally low-rank (LLR) model to represent spatially localized dynamics based on clusters or patches. This approach has been tested in multiple DCE applications including both cancer and healthy subjects. In addition, we propose an anatomical cluster-based reconstruction approach for brain DCE-MRI.


GRASP-Pro+ can be described in four steps: 1) reconstruct low resolution dynamic image series (Fig. 1A); 2) generate LLR basis functions from the low‐resolution dynamic image‐series (Fig. 1B); 3) reconstruct high‐resolution subspace images using the multiple sets of basis functions (Fig. 1D); 4) reconstruct a full-resolution time-series image by multiplying the set of coefficients by the subspace image series (Fig. 1D). For comparison, figure 1 also shows the GLR approach used in GRASP-Pro (Fig. 1C). The low‐resolution dynamic image-series GRASP reconstruction ($$$M_L$$$) is performed by solving the following optimization problem:
$$\underset{\rm M_L}{\rm argmin}\frac{1}{2}\parallel y_{L}-EM_{L}\parallel_2^2+\lambda\parallel T \parallel_1$$
where $$$y_L$$$ is the sorted low‐resolution dynamic k‐space data shifted to a Cartesian grid using GROG (5) which includes the corresponding weighting ($$$w_L$$$) function for compensating varying sampling density. $$$E=\sqrt{w_L}FC_L$$$ is the low‐resolution encoding operator incorporating low-resolution coil sensitivities ($$$C_L$$$) and Fourier transform ($$$F$$$). $$$T$$$ is the sparsifying transform selected as first‐order finite differences along the dynamic dimension with $$$\lambda$$$ regularizer.
After the low-resolution GRASP reconstruction, a locally low-rank (LLR) basis function is generated using the principal component analysis (PCA) of the voxels in a small region (patch or cluster voxels) of the low‐resolution dynamic images. Full-resolution image reconstruction is performed by solving the following optimization problem:
$$\underset{\rm V_B}{\rm argmin}\frac{1}{2}\parallel y-E\sum_{b=1}^nU_bV_b\parallel_2^2+\lambda\parallel T \parallel_1$$
where $$$U_b$$$ is the basis and $$$V_b$$$ represents the coefficients to represent the low-resolution image-series under $$$U_b$$$ .


Data acquisition was conducted using 3T Prisma and Trio systems (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) for brain/neck and breast imaging, respectively. The data included GRASP acquisition of six head and neck cancer (HNC) patients, three breast cancer patients and three healthy brain volunteers. For the neck and breast datasets, each time frame represented 5 sec and, for the healthy brain dataset, each time frame represented 9 sec. The number of dominant principal components for GRASP-Pro, and GRASP-Pro+ was fixed to six. In GRASP-Pro+, basis functions were estimated using one of the three methods: 1) patch-based reconstruction using four square patches for brain and ten patches for breast, covering the full image, 2) cluster-based reconstruction using three clusters generated by K-means method based on voxel-wise temporal patterns, and 3) anatomy-based reconstruction (only for brain data) using gray-matter, white-matter and cerebral-spinal-fluid anatomical masks. HNC scanning parameters included: 128 slices, 1200 radial views and 1.0×1.0×2.0mm resolution. Breast scanning parameters included: 192 slices, 288 radial views and 1.0×1.0×1.1mm resolution. Brain scanning parameters included: 40 slices, 3497 radial views and 1.0×1.0×2.0mm resolution.


For the HNC scans (Fig. 2), images reconstructed by NUFFT and GRASP showed expected strong residual streaking artifacts while GRASP-Pro and GRASP-Pro+ showed better delineation of edges with negligible streaking artifacts. In Figure 3, enhancement ratio-time curves are shown for arteries and lesions in a HNC patient and a breast cancer patient. These examples show that GRASP-Pro+ with cluster-based approach provides more accurate dynamic curves for the fast enhancing vascular signals without the latency observed with GRASP-Pro (black arrow). This more accurate early enhancement pattern is further exemplified in Figure 4 where GRASP-Pro+ shows accurate contrast enhancement in good accordance with NUFFT and GRASP, while GRASP-Pro shows false enhancement at this time point. Figure 5 shows that GRASP-Pro+ of the brain provides reliable dynamic signal enhancement pattern in accordance with NUFFT and GRASP (see figure inset).


Many recent works have incorporated low-rank regularization with dynamic MRI studies (6-8). Here, we improve GRASP-Pro by introducing an LLR model integrated with the conjugate gradient steps into the compressed-sensing reconstruction. This approach enables to utilize spatially localized dynamic patterns by using patch-based reconstruction, cluster-based reconstruction or anatomically based information. Our preliminary results suggest that GRASP-Pro+ offers not only superior image quality but also more reliable DCE temporal information.


NIH R01CA160620, R01CA219964, and UH3CA228699


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Figure 1: GRASP-Pro+ flowchart: GRASP reconstruction is performed on the low‐resolution sorted radial k‐space (A). From the low‐resolution dynamic data, a temporal basis is estimated where image can be divided into clusters or patches of pixels (B). Basis functions are then used for reconstructing high‐resolution subspace images (D). Final high-resolution dynamic images (E). For comparison, we also present the globally low-rank (GLR) model provided by GRASP-Pro reconstruction (1C).

Figure 2: Compared to NUFFT and GRASP, sub-space reconstruction methods including GRASP‐Pro and GRASP-Pro+ provide dynamic images with enhanced sharpness, less residual streaks and noise, and finer delineation of the anatomical details.

Figure 3: Enhancement ratio-time curves by GRASP-Pro+ with Cluster-based reconstruction (blue curve) show accurate dynamic curves for the fast enhancing vascular signals. Arterial Input Function (AIF) were calculated from carotid artery and heart aorta (yellow arrows). Red arrow shows tumor location.

Figure 4: GRASP-Pro+ with Cluster-based reconstruction shows accurate contrast enhancement in good agreement with NUFFT and GRASP, while GRASP-Pro shows false enhancement.

Figure 5: GRASP-Pro+ reconstruction can also be exploited for Anatomical-based reconstruction where white matter (WM), gray matter (GM) and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) are used for basis function estimation. Here, GRASP-Pro+ (blue curve) provides reliable dynamic signal enhancement pattern in accordance with NUFFT and GRASP (Figure inset).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 30 (2022)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58530/2022/1603