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Session Name:

A 3D-Printed Multi-level Perfusion Phantom for Quantitative Analysis of Perfusion Models vs. Experimental Data

Author:John Morgan  Yi Wang  

Institution:Cornell University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Quantitative MRI  

Session Name:Quantitative MRI 1  

Program Number:3796  

Room Live Q&A Session:

The cerebral blood flow derived from multi-delay ASL MRI varies with the choice of post-labeling delay

Author:Ya-Fang Chen  Sung-Chun Tang  Wen-Chau Wu  

Institution:National Taiwan University  National Taiwan University Hospital  National Taiwan University Hospital Hsin-Chu Branch  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Quantitative MRI  

Session Name:Quantitative MRI 1  

Program Number:3787  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Estimation of net receive sensitivity - at 3T and 7T - for correction of inter-scan motion artefacts in R1 mapping

Author:Yaël Balbastre  Nadège Corbin  Martina Callaghan  

Institution:University College London  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Quantitative MRI  

Session Name:Quantitative MRI 1  

Program Number:3789  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Fast, high resolution QSM of the brainstem at 7T using super-resolution 2D EPI

Initial Experience with Inline Evaluation of Liver Stiffness using Magnetic Resonance Elastography in Hemochromatosis Patients

Joint reconstruction and estimation for fast and accurate T2* mapping

Author:Seonyeong Shin  Riwaj Byanju  Seong Dae Yun  Stefan Klein  Dirk Poot  N. Jon Shah  

Institution:Erasmus MC  Forschungszentrum Jülich  JARA - BRAIN - Translational Medicine  RWTH Aachen University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Quantitative MRI  

Session Name:Quantitative MRI 1  

Program Number:3795  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Quantitative T2 Mapping using Accelerated 3D Stack-of-Spiral GRE Acquisition

Author:Ruoxun Zi  Dan Zhu  Wenbo Li  Qin Qin  

Institution:Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine  Kennedy Krieger Institute  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Quantitative MRI  

Session Name:Quantitative MRI 1  

Program Number:3794  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Thinking outside the black box: A fully transparent T1 mapping pipeline

To Evaluate the Effect of Compressed-SENSE on Accuracy of High-Resolution Quantitative T1-Perfusion MRI Parameters and on glioma grading at 3T

Towards robust QSM in cortical and sub-cortical regions of the human brain at 9.4T: influence of coil combination and masking strategies

Validation of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI analyses via virtual MRI simulation on a dynamic digital phantom

Variable flip angle T1 mapping with MT-balanced RF pulses

Author:Nam Lee  Zhibo Zhu  Krishna Nayak  

Institution:University of Southern California  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Quantitative MRI  

Session Name:Quantitative MRI 1  

Program Number:3793  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Variable Spatial Resolution Dual-Venc 4D Flow MRI: Balancing Image Quality and Scan Time

Author:Maria Aristova  Jianing Pang  Liliana Ma  Michael Markl  Susanne Schnell  

Institution:Northwestern University  Siemens Healthcare  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Quantitative MRI  

Session Name:Quantitative MRI 1  

Program Number:3797  

Room Live Q&A Session: