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Automated segmentation of human axon and myelin from electron microscopy data using deep learning for microstructural validation and simulation

A comprehensive multi-shot EPI protocol for high-quality clinical brain imaging in 3 minutes

DeepDTI: Six-direction diffusion tensor MRI using deep learning

DeepHIBRID: How to condense the sampling in the k-q joint space for microstructural diffusion metric estimation empowered by deep learning

Distortion-free, submillimeter-isotropic-resolution diffusion MRI with gSlider BUDA-EPI and multi-coil dynamic B0 shimming

Gd- Minimising Dose Without Jeopardising Diagnosis

Highly Accelerated Wave-CAIPI Post-Contrast 3D-T1 Compared to Standard Post-Contrast 3D-T1 SPACE for Detection of Abnormal Enhancing Lesions.

Investigating restricted diffusion within different cortical regions using double-diffusion encoding

Perfusion Imaging of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease by Using highly-accelerated Spin and Gradient Echo (SAGE) DSC-MRI

Return-to-origin probability from single-shell and multi-shell diffusion MRI data correlates with normal aging