Sudhir Pathak1, Walter Schneider1, Anthony Zuccolotto2, Susie Huang3, Qiuyun Fan4, Thomas Witzel5, Lawrence Wald4, Els Fieremans6, Michal E. Komlosh7, Dan Benjamini7, Alexandru V Avram7, and Peter J. Basser7
1University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Psychology Software Tools, Inc, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 3Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 4Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 5Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 6Department of Radiology, New York University, New York City, NY, United States, 7National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, DC, United States
We have constructed a novel Taxon (textile water filled tubes) anisotropic diffusion phantom to provide “ground truth” verification of the current limits of diffusion imaging.This phantom is designed to contain 0.8 micron ID tubes with, a packing density of 106 per mm2 , matched to human axon histology, and allows parametric control of diameters, density, and angle dispersion. On a 7T small-bore scanner, we report the ability to distinguish fine Taxon diameter changes between 2-5 micron diameters and approximate 5 micron ID tubes on the 3T Connectome. This is approaching the anatomical scale of axons found in human brain.
We developed a series of Taxon
(textile axon) phantoms that for the first time achieve micron scale diameters
on the order of human axon size consisting of 0.8, 2 and 5 um diameter tubes
with a packing density of 106 per mm2 scaled to match
human, chimp, and monkey corpus callosum axon
samples [1] (see Figure 1). Previous studies have developed anisotropic
phantoms [2-15] and reviewed in [16], but none have broken through the 5
micron internal diameter (ID) barrier. We report the construction of such phantoms
configured for small bore 7T MR imaging as well as clinical 3T systems and the
3T Connectome 1.0 MRI scanner. A major goal of this work was to share the
next-generation Taxon phantom by shipping similarly manufactured Taxon phantoms
between laboratories and comparing the precision of measurements across scanners
with different gradient/system capabilities and different operators. Through
this collaborative effort, we tested the phantom in Pittsburgh, NIH, and MGH to
determine if 2 and 5 micron diameter fibers could be distinguished using diffusion
imaging. METHODS
Phantom production used a bi-component
polymer production process with parametric control of Taxon size and shape. The
process achieved 0.45 micron control of 9700 pixel points within a nylon thread
the size of a human hair to produce a filament of 72-478 microns with hole
sizes from 0.8 to 5 microns in phantoms of size ranging from 1 to 140 mm in [17]. Characterization of the fibers was performed with NIST
traceable precision using complementary measurement technologies, including confocal
microscopy, electron microscopy, micro-CT and analytical balances of filled and
unfilled fibers.
A micro-phantom consisting of 5 um and 2 um ID
fibers located on opposite ends of a 5-mm NMR tube was manufactured and sent to
NIH and MGH for diffusion MR imaging.
Scanning of the micro-phantom was performed on small-bore and clinical
MR systems, including a 7T Bruker in Pittsburgh, and on a 7T Bruker scanner at
the NIH equipped with a micro 2.5 microimaging probe and AVANCE III
spectrometer where the 2 and 5 mm ID Taxon phantom was scanned using a DPFG-based method [7, 18].
5-um region of the micro- phantom was scanned on the dedicated high-gradient 3T
Connectome 1.0 MRI system at MGH. RESULTS
Figure 2 shows the micro-phantoms
and a head-sized 140-mm phantom. Within the head phantom, two test patterns
were used to evaluate variable packing density and crossing angles for
comprehensive assessment of fiber geometry and structure in a clinical scanner.
FA values varied from 0.55-1.0 within the variable packing density cubes. FA in
crossing regions was on the order of 0.5. FA was ~0.7 for density cubes within
the central region. Figure 3 shows the pore
diameter distributions estimated from measurements on the NIH Bruker 7T using
ROI analysis on the micro-phantom. Nominally 2 and 5 microns ID showed
reasonable agreement between Taxon diameter distributions measured by a
sensitive double diffusion encoding (DDE) MRI method. A second distribution peaked at 11mm was possibly due to phantom imperfection and
ROI partial volume artifacts from interstitial fluid around the Taxons. The
distribution peaks were observed around the expected/nominal diameters. There
was a small positive bias for the 2μm ID Taxons. The peaks were clearly shifted
in both the 2 and 5 micron Taxons. Figure 4 shows diffusion
MRI signal decays averaged within an ROI centered in the 5-um region of the
micro-phantom acquired with a multi-diffusion time, multi-gradient strength
protocol on the Connectome 1.0 scanner using Gmax of 300 mT/m. The data was
fitted to a generalized AxCaliber approach, and the mean taxon diameter was
estimated at approximately 7 um, again demonstrating a slight positive bias as
seen in the 7T Bruker data.DISCUSSION
These early results are
encouraging, and suggest a pathway to ground truth measurements of axonal
geometry in the range of 0.8 to 5 microns. The clear shift in the peaks at 3T
and 7T indicate current MR diffusion imaging can distinguish signals in this
range but not yet in the Connectome 1.0 scanner. The parametric control of Taxon
diameters, packing density, crossings etc. provide challenging tests to
advanced diffusion MRI methods. The sharing of matched phantoms across
laboratories and creation of open-access data sets for the MRI diffusion
community supports a clear pathway to the identification of the limits of the
current techniques. The parametric control of Taxon shapes and routing patterns
may elucidate options to push beyond those limits with improved hardware, pulse
programming and post processing. Acknowledgements
acknowledge support from the NIH BRAIN Initiative, “Connectome 2.0: Developing
the next generation human MRI scanner for bridging studies of the micro-, meso-
and macro-connectome”, 1U01EB026996-01; the Center for Neuroscience and
Regenerative Medicine (CNRM), HJF; the Intramural Research Program of the Eunice
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development Title: Advanced Longitudinal
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