Gd- Minimising Dose Without Jeopardising Diagnosis
Susie Huang1
1Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States


The safety of gadolinium (Gd) continues to be questioned as concerns grow around gadolinium deposition in the brain and body. This lecture examines strategies for minimizing the dose of gadolinium in clinical practice without compromising diagnosis and management. The presentation will provide an overview of current approaches to avoid or decrease the use of gadolinium in the context of the clinical question that is posed. Emerging techniques for minimizing, if not eliminating, gadolinium will be discussed, and an outlook on the future of gadolinium usage in clinical examinations will be provided.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify the perceived risks associated with gadolinium-based contrast agents.
  2. Identify current strategies for minimizing gadolinium dose in the context of clinical indication, technical solutions, and diagnostic necessity.
  3. Demonstrate the value of established and emerging techniques for minimizing gadolinium dose.


The safety of gadolinium (Gd) continues to be questioned as concerns grow around gadolinium deposition in the brain and body. This lecture examines strategies for minimizing the dose of gadolinium in clinical practice without compromising diagnosis and management. The presentation will provide an overview of current approaches to avoid or decrease the use of gadolinium in the context of the clinical question that is posed. Emerging techniques for minimizing, if not eliminating, gadolinium will be discussed, and an outlook on the future of gadolinium usage in clinical examinations will be provided.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 28 (2020)