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2D Imaging without Gradient Coils in a Low-Field Spokes-and-Hub Permanent Magnet

Comparison of high-resolution quantitative peripheral nerve imaging in CMT1A and healthy controls using Double-Echo in Steady-State at 7 Tesla

Real-time Motion Compensated ?B0 Shimming with an AC/DC Shim Coil and Dual-Echo vNavs

Selective Refocusing Pulse Design via Time-varying Nonlinear Shim Array Fields and RF Pulse with Decomposition Property

Spatial encoding with a 48-ch Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation coil array: Application to diffusion imaging

Synchronizing TMS pulses for free artifact fMRI for multichannel TMS systems using the integrated whole head TMSMR 28 channel RF coil array

The TMSMR 28 channel RF coil: whole head imaging for the 3-axis TMS multichannel system

The TMSMR 28 channel RF coil: whole head imaging for the 3-axis TMS multichannel system