Characterization of orientation dispersion’s impact on diffusion kurtosis and NODDI using an axon-mimetic 3D printed phantom

Co-electrospun spinal cord phantom for diffusion MRI

Double-Diffusion-Encoding MRI: phantom evaluation of concomitant gradient effects with single- and twice-refocused sequences

Fundamental Cell Biology Properties Underlying In Vivo DWI

Geometric Distortion Evaluation of Integrated Slice Dependent Shimming (iShim) Using ACR MRI Phantom

Intravoxel Tissue Heterogeneity: One-to-one Correspondence between Non-Gaussian Diffusion MRI Parameters and Histologic Features

NODDInet: Diffusion parameter mapping using deep neural network trained by computer simulation data

Author:Juhyung Park  Woojin Jung  Eun-Jung Choi  Jongho Lee  

Institution:Seoul National University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Diffusion Microstructure, Modeling and Tractography  

Session Name:Diffusion: Phantoms, Simulation & Histological Evaluation  

Program Number:4503  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Phantom validation of diffusion weighted T2- and T2*-relaxometry EPI sequences

Sensitivity Gain from Multi-Echo Acquisitions in Ex-Vivo Diffusion Imaging: Numerical Simulations and Experimental Verification

Validating pore size estimates in a biomimetic microfibre architecture with a stochastic distribution of pore-sizes and cross-sectional shapes

Validation of Diffusion Propagator Imaging measures in White Matter using Histology

Water diffusion pore imaging on a 14.1 T spectrometer using glass capillary phantoms in the presence of extraporal fluid