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An evaluation of the caput nuclei caudati in children with autism spectrum disorder and language deficits with DKI and Synthetic MR

Assessment of relationship between chemotherapy-induced brain structural alteration and neuropsychological scale revealed by GQI

Diagnostic performance of ADC and CBV imaging intersecting MRS for identifying molecular status in adult gliomas

Head and Neck DWI: Comparison of Image Quality and Diagnostic Performance among FASE and EPI Sequences with and without DLR

Non-neuropsychiatric Childhood-onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Changes in Brain Network Organization and White Matter Microstructure

Quantifying the Stiffness of Peritrigonal Terminal Zones in Preschool Children by Diffusion Imaging-based Virtual MRI Elastography

Quantitatively Assessing Longitudinal Alteration of Shear Stiffness in Neonatal Punctate White Matter Lesions based on Virtual Elastography

What happens tothebrain over a single season of playing high school rugby:structural andwhite matter fibre tract changes related toimpact

Whole-brain assessment of age-related brain characteristics using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and Diffusion Tensor Imaging