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7T Mental health: Functional alterations in resting-state within the executive control network and its association with BDI-II and TMT-B in MDD

Alternations of functional networks in adult PTSD: a systematic review and meta-analysis of resting-state functional connectivity studies

Association of anterior cingulate glutathione and degree of depression in unmedicated bipolar disorder – a 7T study

Brain volumetric measurements in children with ADHD:a comparative study between synthetic and conventional MRI

Changes in total choline level in left anterior cingulate during 26 weeks of Li treatment in patients with bipolar disorder

Different patterns of temporal variability of functional connectivity to predict response to electroconvulsive therapy in schizophrenia

Effect of the outbreak of COVID-19 on college students with subthreshold depression:a resting-state functional MRI study

How neurotransmitter concentrations in default-mode network modulate brain functional activities and connectivities in psychosis

In vivo imaging of cerebral glutamate changes using chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI in a rat forced swimming test model of depression

Investigation of Microstructural Alterations of the Corpus Callosum in Autism Using Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI and Quantitative Relaxometry

Morphological changes of the corpus callosum in antipsychotic-naive first-episode schizophrenia before and 1-year after treatment

MRI measurements demonstrate gray matter increases induced by transcranial direct current stimulation treatment in depression

A Multi-Diffusion Model Investigation of White Matter Microstructure in Psychotic Spectrum Disorders

Neuromelanin MRI as biomarker for treatment resistance in first episode schizophrenia patients

White matter connectome alterations in tuberous sclerosis complex patients with neuropsychiatric disorders revealed by DTI