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A 128-channel receive array for 10.5T human head imaging

Analysis of Diffusion Changes in Patients with Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans (JOCD) of the Knee at 3T

Compressed Sensing MRI Revisited: Optimizing $$$\ell_{1}$$$-Wavelet Reconstruction with Modern Data Science Tools

Effective Training of 3D Unrolled Neural Networks on Small Databases

Enhancing the Reconstruction quality of Physics-Guided Deep Learning via Holdout Multi-Masking

Evaluatingdata precision and signal gains in functional neuroimaging data after NOise reduction with DIstribution Corrected PCA (NORDIC)

High Resolution Functional Mapping of Orientation Domains in the Cat Visual Cortex using Denoising with NORDIC

Impact of low-rank denoising on abbreviated breast diffusion-weighted acquisitions: accuracy and repeatability

Author:Patrick Bolan  Jessica McKay  Mehmet Akcakaya  An Church  Michael Nelson  Kamil Ugurbil  Steen Moeller  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Breast: What's New  

Session Name:Breast: All About Cancer  

Program Number:1146  

Room Session:Concurrent 7  

Institution:Stanford University  University of Minnesota  

Improved Accelerated fMRI Reconstruction using Self-supervised Deep Learning

Multi-Mask Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Highly Accelerated Physics-Guided MRI Reconstruction

New Frontiers of Human Neuroscience: 0.5 mm isotropic 7T in Vivo Human fMRI

Author:Luca Vizioli  Logan Dowdle  Steen Moeller  Essa Yacoub  Kamil Ugurbil  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, 19 May 2021  

Topic:High-Resolution fMRI  

Session Name:High-Resolution fMRI  

Program Number:3377  

Room Session:Concurrent 3  

Institution:University of Minnesota  

NORDIC denoising before image reconstruction.

On Instabilities of Conventional Multi-Coil MRI Reconstruction To Small Adversarial Perturbations

A Paradigm Change in Functional Brain Mapping: Suppressing the Thermal Noise in fMRI

A Self-decoupled 64 Channel Receive Array for Human Brain MRI at 10.5T