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An 8-channel transmit loop array for body imaging at 5T

Correlation between Ki67 expression and Intraventricular incoherent motion (IVIM) in ovarian cancer

A Dedicated Multichannel Head Coil Array for PET Insert on 3 T MRI

Design and evaluation of a 2-Tx 24-Rx coil for 5T knee MR imaging

Differential diagnosis of Endometrial carcinoma and polyps using Amide proton transfer-weighted imaging and permeability analysis

Evaluation of R2* and automatically quantitative ITSS in diagnosis of malignant ovarian tumor.

The feasibility of the combination of APT and DCE in preoperative risk assessment of endometrial carcinoma

High power RF amplifier for UHF MRI with configurable number of channels

A Pilot Evaluation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) in Characteristics and Diagnosis of Ovarian cancer of p53 status

A Quadrature Birdcage/47Rx Coil Array for Acceleration Images on 3 T MRI

The value of R2* in evaluating aggressiveness of ovarian tumors.

Author:Wenjun Hu  Ailian Liu  Ye Li  Qingwei Song  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 20 May 2021  

Topic:Maternal-Fetal Imaging  

Session Name:Placenta, Pelvic Floor & Gyn Oncology  

Program Number:3688  

Room Session:Concurrent 5  

Institution:The First Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University