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Session Name:

Denoising MR spectra by deep learning: miracle or mirage?

Frequency and Phase Drift Correction of Rosette MRSI Data using Spectral Registration

Author:Sneha Senthil  Brenden Kadota  Jamie Near  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Thursday, 12 May 2022  

Topic:Module 7: Spectroscopy & Hyperpolarization  

Session Name:Spectroscopy I  

Program Number:2543  

Room Session:Exhibition Hall:S8 & S9  

Institution:McGill University  Sunnybrook Research Institute  

GABA and Glutamate response to social processing; a functional MRS study

Macromolecular background signals for gray and white matter regions in the human brain as defined from strong diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy

Measurement of gastric emptying with dynamic 3D DMI using a deuterium body array at 7 T

Reducing Artifacts in Readout-Segmented Spectroscopic Imaging at 7T

Suppression of extracranial lipids in short TE STEAM of the human brain at 7T with an external crusher coil

Time-efficient and reproducible relaxation measurements by 31P-MR fingerprinting in human brain at 7T