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Assessing the origin of human alpha oscillations using laminar layer 7T fMRI-EEG

Comparing MRI and Doppler measures of resting Cerebral Blood Flow and Cerebrovascular Reactivity in the young and old

Author:Claire Burley  Susan Francis  Samuel Lucas  Karen Mullinger  

Institution:University of Birmingham  University of Nottingham  University of New South Wales  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:fMRI: Contrast & Physiology  

Session Name:fMRI Physiology 1  

Program Number:3840  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Deep Network Interpolation for Accelerated Parallel MR Image Reconstruction

Effect of non-protonated perfluorocarbon liquid-filled SatPads on spinal cord MR imaging

Hyperpolarized 13C Urea laplacian relaxation processing reveals differences between healthy and ischemic renal T2 relaxation.

Improving spatial normalization of functional MRI data of the spinal cord using cerebrospinal fluid segmentation

Optimized pediatric brain tumor diagnosis by using in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy and machine learning

Providing a clinical pipeline for using the sodium-23 resonance to calibrate for in vivo hyperpolarized carbon-13 experiments.

S-net: Ensembled Iterative Deep Neural Networks for Accelerated Parallel MR Image Reconstruction