Alterations in Temporal Lobe Functional Connectivity Differ Based on Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Mesial Temporal Sclerosis

Analysis of Hippocampal Subfield Diffusion Imaging for Lateralization in Mesial Temporal Sclerosis

Detection of unilateral changes in thalamic volume and microstructure in focal epilepsy using 7T MRI

Effect of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion on NODDI Diffusion Parameters in both Healthy and Psychotic Spectrum Disorder Populations

Hypothalamic subnuclei segmentation and diffusion tractography in Major Depressive Disorder at 7T

Microscopic fractional anisotropy may be sensitive to unilateral hippocampal abnormalities in temporal lobe epilepsy

MR Fingerprinting Features in Patients with MRI-negative Pharmacoresistant Focal Epilepsy