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Combined Angiographic, Structural and Perfusion Radial Imaging using Arterial Spin Labeling

Author:Thomas Okell  Joseph Woods  Mark Chiew  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Tuesday, 10 May 2022  

Topic:Module 26: Perfusion and Permeability  

Session Name:Perfusion Techniques  

Program Number:0341  

Room Session:ICC Capital Suite 14-16  

Institution:University of California San Diego  University of Oxford  

Compressed sensing and the use of 3D UTE acquisition for high-resolution accelerated 23NA imaging at 3T

High Resolution 3D Ultra-Short Echo Time MRI with Rosette k-Space Pattern for Brain Iron Content Mapping

Iron Imaging with 3D Multi-Gradient Recalled Echo (3D-mGRE) and 3D Ultra-short Echo (3D-UTE) Sequences: A Phantom Comparison Study

A Locally Structured Low-Rank Tensor Method Using Submatrix Constraints for Joint Multi-echo Image Reconstruction

Myelin Imaging Using 3D Dual-echo Ultra-short Echo Time MRI with Rosette k-Space Pattern

Optimal Singular-Value Shrinkage for fMRI Denoising

Pulmonary imaging Using 3D Dual-Echo FID Ultra-short Echo Time MRI with Rosette k-space Pattern: Introduction and Feasibility.

Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Using High-resolution Ultra-Short Echo Time (UTE) MRI with Rosette k-space Pattern

Ultra-Short Echo Time 31P 3D MRSI at 3T with Novel Rosette k-space Trajectory