A Combined Angiographic, Structural and Perfusion Radial Imaging using Arterial Spin Labeling (CASPRIA) pulse sequence is presented which allows the simultaneous acquisition of non-contrast dynamic angiograms, quantitative perfusion maps and multi-contrast T1-weighted structural images within a single six-minute scan. Compared to conventional imaging methods, which took 70% longer to acquire, CASPRIA yielded comparable quantitative perfusion estimates, dynamic (rather than static) angiography with improved distal vessel visibility and structural images with greater contrast flexibility. With further work, the estimation of quantitative tissue T1 values could also be possible.
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Figure 1: CASPRIA pulse sequence schematic. The pre-saturation and single inversion pulse either side of the pseudocontinuous ASL (PCASL) module provide background suppression and structural contrast. The golden ratio 3D radial readout allows flexible reconstruction: control-label difference data can be reconstructed at high spatial/temporal resolution for angiography or low spatial/temporal resolution for perfusion imaging. Mean control-label data can be reconstructed to give structural images.
Figure 2: Simulation of static tissue signals in CASPRIA. Gray matter (GM), white matter (WM) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are simulated with pre-saturation only (“Sat”) and with the addition of a single inversion pulse between PCASL labeling and the variable flip angle readout (“Sat Inv”). The addition of the inversion pulse gives greatly reduced static tissue signal during the readout, as well as providing varying static tissue contrast at different time points.
Figure 3: Angiographic data: maximum intensity projections (MIPs) of selected frames from the CASPRIA angiographic reconstruction (1.1mm isotropic, 164 ms temporal resolution, 57x undersampled) are shown along with a temporal MIP and the TOF data from one subject. Note the improved distal vessel visibility with CASPRIA (green arrows) as well as the lack of slab boundary artefacts (orange arrow) and venous contamination (red arrow) evident in the TOF data.
Figure 4: CASPRIA perfusion images (3.1 mm isotropic, 327 ms temporal resolution, 3.8x undersampled) and multi-delay 3D-GRASE data show similar blood flow dynamics, although some 3D-GRASE segmentation artefacts (red arrows) and minor through-slice blurring (yellow arrows) are evident. Quantitative CBF maps, including those from the single-delay white paper (“WP”) 3D-GRASE protocol, reveal similar features with slight scaling differences. Repeatability is very similar (n.s. = not significant).
Figure 5: Example frames from the CASPRIA structural reconstruction (1.1 mm isotropic, 327 ms temporal resolution, 29x undersampled) showing the evolution of the tissue contrast across time, as expected from the simulations shown in Figure 2. Each frame is separately scaled. The conventional MPRAGE image is shown on the right for comparison.