Accurate Quantitative G-factor Calculation in Dual-kernel Slice-GRAPPA Reconstruction

Advantage of simultaneous multi-slice readout-segmented echo-planar imaging on diffusion MRI measurements of the human optic nerve

Calibrationless Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for Simultaneous Multi-slice PROPELLER of Upper Abdomen

Inner volume 3D TSE using optimized spatially selective excitation pulses for vessel wall imaging of intracranial perforating arteries at 7T

Lumbar Fatty Acid Composition (FAC) Measurement in Osteoporosis Patients Using MRI

A preliminary study on myocardial strain evaluation of ventricular septal bulge and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the elderly

The value of magnetic resonance T2*mapping for early detection of knee cartilage damage in hemophilia arthropathy

The value of T2 mapping to characterize early knee joint cartilage damage in hemophilia arthropathy