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2D High Resolution Myocardial TRAFF2 Mapping: Reproducibility and Accuracy

Compressed Sensing MRI Revisited: Optimizing $$$\ell_{1}$$$-Wavelet Reconstruction with Modern Data Science Tools

Effective Training of 3D Unrolled Neural Networks on Small Databases

Enhancing the Reconstruction quality of Physics-Guided Deep Learning via Holdout Multi-Masking

High Resolution Functional Mapping of Orientation Domains in the Cat Visual Cortex using Denoising with NORDIC

Impact of low-rank denoising on abbreviated breast diffusion-weighted acquisitions: accuracy and repeatability

Author:Patrick Bolan  Jessica McKay  Mehmet Akcakaya  An Church  Michael Nelson  Kamil Ugurbil  Steen Moeller  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Date:Monday, 17 May 2021  

Topic:Breast: What's New  

Session Name:Breast: All About Cancer  

Program Number:1146  

Room Session:Concurrent 7  

Institution:Stanford University  University of Minnesota  

Improved Accelerated fMRI Reconstruction using Self-supervised Deep Learning

Multi-Mask Self-Supervised Deep Learning for Highly Accelerated Physics-Guided MRI Reconstruction

NORDIC denoising before image reconstruction.

On Instabilities of Conventional Multi-Coil MRI Reconstruction To Small Adversarial Perturbations

A Paradigm Change in Functional Brain Mapping: Suppressing the Thermal Noise in fMRI