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Accumulation of saturated IMCL is associated with insulin resistance in both males and females

Assessment of cardiac and liver metabolite changes in diabetic and DIAPH1 knockout mice using 1H-MRS and chemical-shift encoded MRI

Assessments of Blood Flow Curve Characteristics of Type2 Diabetes Using 4D Flow MRI

Author:Di Wu  Jiachen Ji  Shenghong Ju  Rui Li  

Institution:Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,Tsinghua University  Zhong Da Hospital,Southeast University  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Abdominopelvic MRI - Benign  

Session Name:Diabetes, Nutrition & Metabolism  

Program Number:2561  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Estimation of the triglyceride fatty acid composition in human adipose tissue using multi-TE and SHORTIE STEAM: in vitro validation using GC-MS

Evaluating a Community-Based Diet and Lifestyle Intervention For Improved Metabolic Health in India: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)

Hemodynamics Comparison Between Type2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients and Healthy Controls Using 4D Flow MRI

Metabolic imaging of brown adipose tissue with intense exercise intervention

MR Elastography and PDFF as Imaging Biomarkers for Diabetic Kidney Disease: Correlating MR Measurements with Histopathology

Natural abundance 13C MRS based glycogen detection in Pompe disease: Test/retest characterization in a Gaa KO mouse model

Studying the effect of ambient temperatures on heat production of activated BAT in rats using magnetic resonance thermometry

Using 1H MRS to Investigate Hepatic Fat Fractions and Lipid Composition in NAFLD Patients with Type 2 Diabetes