Diffusion MRI-Based Cytoarchitecture Measurements in Brain Gray Matter using Likelihood-Free Inference

Dynamic Changes in Brain Tissue Strain and ADC over the Cardiac Cycle quantified at 7T MRI

Estimation of intra-axonal axial diffusivity by tensor-valued dMRI and powder-averaging

Feasibility of axon diameter estimation in complex fiber architectures by powder averaging of the diffusion MRI signal

Large-scale analysis of brain cell morphometry informs microstructure modelling of gray matter

Localization regime of diffusion in human gray matter on a high-gradient MR system: Sensitivity to soma size

Parameter estimation for the GRAMMI (GRAy Matter Microstructure Imaging) model of two exchanging compartments in the rat cortex in vivo

Power-law scaling of the diffusion signal in gray matter and the influence of exchange

What can a rat tell about physics beyond Standard Model: Exchange or structural disorder?