Soma and Neurite Density Imaging (SANDI) was recently proposed to disentangle cylindrical and spherical geometries, attributed to neurite and soma compartments. In this work, using: (i) ultra-strong gradients; (ii) a combination of linear, planar, and spherical b-tensor encodings; and (iii) analysing the signal in the frequency domain, three main challenges were identified; First, the Rician noise floor biases estimation of soma properties. Second there is an empirical lower bound on the spherical signal fraction and pore-size. Third, if there is sensitivity to the transverse intra-cellular diffusivity in cylindrical structures, estimation of spherical pore-size is challenging.
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Fig . 5 (a) The effect of sphere size and signal fraction on exponent α (similar to Fig. 2 in 10). ($$$f_{\rm{sphere}} = 0.01:0.01:0.1,\,0.2:0.1:0.5$$$, $$$f_{\rm{ball}} = f_{\rm{stick}} = (1 - f_{\rm{sphere}})/2$$$, $$$D_{\rm{in}}^{\mid\mid} = 2 \; \mu m^2/ms$$$, $$$D_{\rm{ball}} = 2 \; \mu m^2/ms$$$, $$$R_{\rm{sphere}} = 1:1:10 \; \mu m$$$, δ = 29.65 ms, and Δ = 37.05 ms). (b) Estimated FA, parameter β and α of the power-law fit ($$$S/S_0 = \beta b^{-\alpha}$$$) from axial, coronal, and sagittal views of the brain image.