One fundamental challenge in brain
microstructure is to establish the biophysical origin of effects beyond the
“Standard Model” (SM) picture of non-exchanging Gaussian compartments. The
intra-compartmental structural disorder competes with inter-compartmental water
exchange. Here we show that in rats, the exchange dominates, and offer the
picture of diffusion time effectively filtering out the contribution of
unmyelinated axons with stronger dispersion. At long times, only the myelinated
(non-exchanging) axons contribute to the intra-axonal SM compartment, and the rest
is attributed to extra-axonal space.
The Standard Model (SM) of diffusion in two
non-exchanging Gaussian compartments1,2 – and its numerous variants1,3–8 – has been widely used to characterize white matter (WM) and even gray matter (GM) (Fig. 1). However,
the deviations from the key Gaussian compartment assumption may lead to the
dependence of estimated SM parameters on diffusion time, due to either
intra-compartment non-Gaussianity or inter-compartment exchange9–13. However, these aspects have not been studied explicitly in vivo.
Practically, these effects can be amplified with strong diffusion weighting.
Here we exploit multi-shell data up to $$$b=10\,\text{ms}/\mu\text{m}^2$$$ at four diffusion times t to examine the time-dependence and b-value
dependence of the SM parameter estimates in the rat brain in vivo.Methods
All experiments were approved by the local
Service for Veterinary Affairs. Four adult Wistar rats (3 males) were scanned on
a 14T Bruker system using a home-built surface quadrature transceiver. Diffusion
MRI data were acquired using a PGSE EPI sequence, sampling 7 or 8 shells ($$$b=1\,–10\,\text{ms}/\mu\text{m}^2$$$) and 3 – 4 diffusion times ($$$t=11\,–45\,\text{ms}$$$) in a non-sequential
order to avoid bias of scanner or animal stability (see Fig. 2 for acquisition
parameters of each dataset).
Images were denoised and corrected for
Rician bias, Gibbs ringing and motion14–16. Diffusion and kurtosis tensors were estimated for each diffusion
time using shells $$$b\leq2.5\,\text{ms}/\mu\text{m}^2$$$ and a weighted linear least-squares
algorithm17, from which typical tensor metrics were derived. For each diffusion time, the SM parameters
were estimated using the rotational invariant (RotInv) framework1 (nonlinear least squares), and subsets of shells as
follows: (i) $$$b_\text{max}\leq2.5\,ms/\mu\text{m}^2$$$, (ii) $$$b_\text{max}\leq6\,ms/\mu\text{m}^2$$$, (iii) $$$b_\text{max}\leq10\,ms/\mu\text{m}^2$$$. The solution $$$D_{\text{a}}>D_{\text{e,}\parallel}$$$ was favored18–20 choosing the algorithm initialization accordingly.
Three WM bundles (internal capsule –
IC, corpus callosum – CC and cingulum – CG) as well as a bilateral cortical ROI
were segmented. Average metrics above (diffusion/kurtosis tensors, and SM
parameters) were calculated for each ROI.Results
Over the range $$$t=11\,–45\,\text{ms}$$$ explored
here, diffusivities displayed little to no time-dependence in all ROIs, while
kurtosis decayed significantly (Fig. 3), particularly in the cortex, consistent
with previous literature11,21,22.
For the SM (Fig. 4), geometric parameters $$$f$$$
and $$$c_2=\langle\cos^2\theta\rangle$$$, where $$$\theta$$$ is the dispersion
angle, showed significant time-dependence (and no dependence on $$$b_\text{max}$$$), while compartment
diffusivities displayed a non-monotonic behavior as a function of $$$b_\text{max}$$$, with a
switch between $$$b_\text{max}=\,2.5$$$ and $$$b_\text{max}\geq6$$$, but no systematic trend with
diffusion time.Discussion
DKI(t): With
little time-dependence in overall diffusivity, the decreasing kurtosis
as a function of diffusion time can be largely attributed to inter-compartment water exchange rather
than to the effect of intra-compartmental structural disorder at these
diffusion times12,21,22, especially as the faster decay constants are found for cortex,
which contains the least myelinated fibers, and for cingulum, which may suffer from
partial volume effects with surrounding GM. This is somewhat in
contrast to human GM, where both observed K(t) and subtle D(t) suggested contributions
of both structural disorder and exchange11.
SM analysis:
At least in WM ROIs, the
intra-compartmental structural disorder is less relevant at our $$$t$$$ (due to
relatively weak time-dependence of compartment diffusivities, compatible with
the Gaussian compartments assumption of SM). The pronounced geometric features’
dependence on $$$t$$$, together with $$$K(t)$$$ above, suggests that the diffusion time plays the role of a filter
that retains only the more myelinated – and possibly more aligned – axons
as part of the intra-axonal space. Thus $$$f$$$ decreases while $$$c_2$$$
increases with $$$t$$$.
For ROIs with notable GM admixture (CG and
cortex), the non-monotonic pattern with $$$b$$$ for $$$D_{\text{a}}$$$, which is time-independent for
$$$b_\text{max}=\,2.5$$$ but decreases significantly with time for $$$b_\text{max}\geq\,6$$$, suggests the intra-neurite compartment cannot be
assumed Gaussian at high b-values. The pattern is less clear for the
extra-axonal diffusivities, as there are likely competing mechanisms that may
balance each other out. For example, $$$D_e^\parallel$$$ may increase with $$$t$$$
as a result of exchange with the intra-axonal space $$$D_{\text{a}}>D_{\text{e,}\parallel}$$$, and
decrease with $$$t$$$ as a result of either non-Gaussian contributions or a
more hindered medium – axially – with disperse neurites increasingly assigned
to the extra-axonal space. Similarly, $$$D_e^\perp$$$ may decrease with $$$t$$$ as a
result of exchange with the intra-axonal space ($$$D_{\text{e,}\perp}>D_{\text{a,}\perp}\equiv0$$$) or due
to non-Gaussian contributions, and increase as a result of disperse neurites –
possibly orthogonal to main orientation – being assigned to the
extra-axonal space.
SM applicability rests on compartment Gaussianity. Structural
disorder causes intra-compartment non-Gaussian effects: the decrease of
compartmental diffusivity with $$$t$$$, and non-zero $$$K_c(t)$$$ for each
compartment $$$c=a,e$$$ beyond the SM. As a result, the model would adjust to
absorb $$$K_c(t)$$$ into $$$D_c(t)$$$, resulting in an
underestimation of $$$D_c$$$ most pronounced at short $$$t$$$ (when $$$K_c$$$ is largest). This effect would compete with genuine $$$D_c(t)$$$ decrease.Conclusions
One fundamental challenge in brain microstructure is to establish the biophysical
origin of effects beyond the SM picture of non-exchanging
Gaussian compartments. The intra-compartmental structural disorder competes
with inter-compartmental water exchange. Here we showed that in rats, the
exchange dominates, and offer the picture of diffusion time effectively
filtering out the contribution of unmyelinated axons with stronger dispersion.
At long times, this picture suggests that only the myelinated (non-exchanging)
axons contribute to the intra-axonal SM compartment, and the rest is
asymptotically attributed to extra-axonal space.Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge access to the facilities and
expertise of the CIBM Center for Biomedical Imaging, a Swiss research
center of excellence founded and supported by Lausanne University
Hospital (CHUV), University of Lausanne (UNIL), Ecole polytechnique fédérale
de Lausanne (EPFL), University of Geneva (UNIGE) and Geneva University Hospitals (HUG). D.S.N is supported by NIH under NINDS award R01 NS088040 and by the Center of Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research (CAI2R,, a NIBIB Biomedical Technology Resource Center: P41 EB017183.References
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