Jacob-Jan Sloots1, Martijn Froeling1, Geert Jan Biessels2, and Jaco Zwanenburg1
1Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Neurology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in brain tissue slightly varies over the
cardiac cycle. In this study, we investigate to what extent ADC variations can
be explained by brain tissue strain, which affects the measured MRI signals. To
this end, we developed a high-field MRI sequence that simultaneously measures
both ADC and tissue strain. Preliminary results in 2 volunteers show that ADC fluctuations
over the cardiac cycle are an order of magnitude larger than could be explained
from measurement errors induced by tissue strains. Consequently, ADC
fluctuations in the brain probably reflect physiology.
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) slightly varies in brain tissue over the
cardiac cycle1,2. Various physiological
reasons have been proposed to explain the observed variation, including glymphatic
clearance activity of the brain3. Yet, it is known from
cardiac diffusion imaging that tissue strains also induce artificial ADC variations4,5. In this study, we introduce
a high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequence with stimulated echo
acquisition mode (STEAM) to simultaneously measure brain tissue strain and ADC.
We utilize the sequence to investigate to what extent ADC variations over the
cardiac cycle can be explained by
measurement errors.Theory
MRI encodes molecular diffusion effects in the NMR signal by using bipolar
gradient pulses. However, tissue deformation during the course of the
measurement leads to a modified spatial frequency4
where S is the strain along the encoding
direction and
k0=2πγGδ. After the second gradient lobe, the stimulated echo signal MT over a given voxel is given by
Here, Dobs is the
observed diffusion coefficient that is different from the ‘true’ ADC because
the modified spatial frequency induces a different effective b-value at the
tissue level, even if the tissue is in the undeformed state during readout
again4. This phenomenon
was already described by Reese et al4:
where we assumed that S increases linearly over
the mixing time Δ (e.g. constant strain rate: S(t)=S⋅tΔ. Eq. 3 shows that the observed diffusion
coefficient reduces for positive strain and increases for negative strain. The
additional term exp(ix(k′−k0)) in Eq. 2 quantifies the phase dispersion as a
result of imperfect refocusing of the signal in deformed tissue. If we assume
that the phase induced by the strain is static during the readout (δ<<Δ), the measured signal in the deformed state of that voxel yields
magnitude of the signal is then given by
developed a single-shot multi-slice STEAM MRI sequence that simultaneously captures
both strain-rate and ADC of brain tissue with full brain coverage over the
cardiac cycle. The approach can be regarded as either a slice-selective single-shot multi-slice DENSE6,7 sequence or a stimulated
echo (STE) diffusion sequence (Figure 1). The sequence enables us to simultaneously
obtain diffusion weighted images and velocity images from the magnitude and
phase data, respectively.
informed consent was obtained from 8 healthy volunteers (4 females, age 25±4
years (mean±std)) in accordance with the Ethical Review board of our
institution. The volunteers were scanned at 7T (Philips Healtcare) using an
8-channel transmit and 32-channel receive head coil (Nova Medical). For each
subject, DENSE measurements were obtained with sagittal orientation and in-plane
Feet-to-Head (FH) motion/diffusion encoding. The DENSE series consisted of 52
non-triggered repeated scans, half of the scans with b=300s/mm2 (k0=56mm-1) and the
other half with b=1000s/mm2 (k0=102mm-1).
The mixing time Δ was set to 100ms, with limited signal loss due to relaxation effects (predominantly
determined by T1 instead of T2). Alternating encoding polarities were
applied to distinguish between motion induced phase and phase confounders
(equivalent venc=0.51/0.28mm/s for b=300/1000s/mm2, respectively). Further
imaging parameters included 72 slices; SENSE: 2.6 (AP direction); resolution:
3x3x3mm3; FOV: 240x240x216mm3; single-shot EPI (factor: 35);
TE/2: 24ms; TR: 7.5s. Physiological data from a pulse-oximeter (POx) was
simultaneously recorded to measure the cardiac interval position. A T1-weighted
turbo field echo (TFE) scan (resolution: 1.00x1.00x1.00 mm3; FOV
250x250x190 mm3) was acquired as anatomical reference.
magnitude data was used for rigid image registration with Elastix8 (Figure 2). Since adjacent
slices were acquired at different positions in the cardiac cycle, only in-plane
degrees of freedom were used for registration. Transformation was applied to
the complex data. Tissue strain rates were obtained by computing the spatial
derivative along the encoding direction followed by unwrapping under the
assumption of small strain rates (S<<vencΔx). The data was
interpolated over the cardiac cycle to obtain 10 cardiac phases. Positive and
negative encoded strain rate data was interpolated separately and subtracted to
eliminate static confounders. Similarly, b=300 and b=1000 magnitude data were
interpolated separately, after which ADC maps were fitted. Cardiac phases were
shifted such that peak systolic strain-rate occurred at 20% of the cardiac
The T1-weighted data was registered to the DENSE data and segmented. A conservative
white matter tissue mask was created, by discarding voxels with CSF probability
larger than 0, and additional city-block erosion to assure no partial volume
effects from blood and CSF.Results
We present
the preliminary results from 2 subjects (#1: male, age 27; #2: female, age 25).
Average ADC values in the mask were 7.14·10-4 and 7.12·10-4mm2/s,
for these subjects, respectively. Strain rates and ADC ratio fluctuations
showed good correlation (R=0.92 and R=0.80, respectively). Measured ADC fluctuation
over the cardiac cycle was about an order of magnitude larger than predicted by
‘worst case’ calculation (range: 4.5% versus 0.49% and 3.0% versus 0.35% for the subjects,
respectively). Table 1 represents the error in the measured ADC as function of
strain and true ADC.Discussion and Conclusion
results show that the impact of tissue strain on the ADC is too small to
explain the observed fluctuation over the cardiac cycle. As only b values
larger than 300 were included, the fluctuations likely do not reflect blood
flow pulsations.Acknowledgements
The research leading to these results was supported by Vici
Grant 918.16.616 from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
awarded to Geert Jan Biessels and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
and innovation program under grant agreement no. 666881, SVDs@target.References
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