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Biventricular flow components assessed with 4-dimensional flow cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with pulmonary hypertension

Author:Min Liu  Xincao Tao  Jing An  Ning Jin  Fan Lin  

Institution:China-Japan Friendship Hospital  Siemens Medical Solution  Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Cardiovascular Techniques  

Session Name:Flow: Cutting-Edge  

Program Number:2267  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Compressed sensing three-directional 3D velocity imaging of the skeletal muscle during evoked isometric contraction of the arm

Extracting the respiratory signal from Pilot Tone for highly accelerated, respiratory-resolved whole-heart 4D flow imaging

Author:Aaron Pruitt  Peter Speier  Chong Chen  Yingmin Liu  Ning Jin  Orlando Simonetti  Rizwan Ahmad  

Institution:Siemens Healthcare GmbH  Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.  The Ohio State University  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Live Q&A Date:Thursday, 13 August 2020  

Topic:Cardiovascular Techniques  

Session Name:Velocity & Flow  

Program Number:1331  

Room Live Q&A Session:Thursday Parallel 3  

Feasibility of 4D-Flow MRI of the Liver using Pencil Beam Navigator for Respiratory Gating and Compressed Sensing

Author:Markus Karlsson  Jens Tellman  Fredrik Testud  Ning Jin  Nils Dahlström  Peter Lundberg  

Institution:Linköping University  Siemens Healthcare AB  Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:Abdominopelvic MRI - Benign  

Session Name:Pancreas & Hepatobiliary  

Program Number:2625  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Hemodynamic Characteristics in Patients with Plaques in Thoracic Aorta Based on Compressed Sensing 4D Flow MRI

Highly-accelerated Compressed Sensing 4D Flow MRI for Quantification of Whole Heart Hemodynamics

Noninvasive Pressure Measurements in the Transverse Sinuses using ICOSA6 4DFlow – an In Vitro Validation with Catheter-based Manometry

A Parameter-free Plug-and-Play Method for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction

Author:Sizhuo Liu  Ning Jin  Philip Schniter  Rizwan Ahmad  

Institution:Ohio State University  Siemens Medical Solutions Inc  

Session Type:Digital Poster  

Session Live Q&A Date:Digital Poster (All Week)  

Topic:ML: Image Reconstruction  

Session Name:Machine Learning for Image Reconstruction 2  

Program Number:3607  

Room Live Q&A Session:

Respiratory-Controlled Adaptive 4D Flow of the Aorta: Reproducibility and Comparison to 2D Phase Contrast Imaging